Page 7 - Huntwick Herald NOV 2020
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Christmas Awards in December
Beautification Committee holiday awards are right around the corner!
Every holiday, Huntwick awards the homes/yards with the best decorations.
Often people wonder what makes a winning home. Here are this year’s awards and
what the judges may be looking for:
1. Best Traditional Home Award – The right amount of lights and décor to have
a stunning and beautifully decorated home/yard!
2. Best Whimsical Home Award – Décor that catches the child’s eye and imagination!
3. Best Block Award – All/most of the houses decorated and in the spirit!
4. Best Door Award – Best door and porch area to welcome guests for the holidays!
5. Griswold Award – Based on National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation movie, lots of lights and/or over the top decorating –
the most festive!
Weather permitting, we’ll be judging the houses on Laura Holder, Beautification Committee
Sunday, December 6 after 5 p.m. Hand-tied bows will 281-413-1216 •
be available for purchase at the Huntwick Recreational
Facility clubhouse on Saturday, December 5 from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. We are looking forward to Huntwick’s holiday
season with all the beautiful decorations, gaslight bows,
and luminaries! Join in the fun!
Huntwick Herald November 2020 7