Page 3 - Huntwick Herald NOV 2020
P. 3

              BUY LOCAL
          and support the local businesses that      President’s Corner - continued
          support your community newsletter.
                                              Finally, the HCA Board was recently notified that our email system has not been
                Air of Spring/Champions       functioning properly. If you have tried to email a Board member or the Architectural
                                              Control Committee (ACC) and we did not respond, we apologize. I believe a solution is
                Better Homes & Gardens        in place (fingers crossed).
               Pam Hughes  |  713-725-1213
            Stephanie Martens  |  713-922-8529  As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss the
                Better Homes & Gardens        neighborhood, and have a happy Thanksgiving!
                   Blythe Palamara
                 Gas Product Services
                    281-798-8006                                                                    Brad Aiken, President
              Home PC Help  |  832-563-9080                                        832-293-1105 •
                  Houston Methodist
                 Willowbrook Hospital
                                              Maintenance Director - continued
                 Kitten House Rescue
                                              CI has designed their own trucks with safety at the forefront. They have extensive
                Jeff’s Topcare Pharmacy       experience with backdoor service and will have operators and assistants who already
                                              know the neighborhood. Ultimately, our partnership with CI should ensure that our
                   Ray Blackburns             trash and recycling services remain up to the “Huntwick Standard.” This could not have
                                              been accomplished without the help of other Board members, most notably your HCA
                  Sprinko Landscape           president. Thank you, Brad.
            VCA Prestonwood Animal Hospital   The new service will begin November 2, which is a Monday. Trash will be picked up
                    281-890-1960              Mondays and Thursdays, and bulk-item pickups, one per household per week, will be
                Wired Electrical Services     on Thursdays. This schedule change should result in more tranquil Saturday mornings,
                                              as well as the benefit of the weekend festivity trash being picked up on Mondays. At
                                              the time of this writing, I do not have the recycling schedule (an option for individual
                                              households). We will be sending out additional information soon to ensure that the
                                              transition is as smooth as possible. Special instructions might need to be provided to CI
                                              if your trash containers are not in an obvious backdoor location. Information on how
                                              to do that will be on the Huntwick website,, and Champions
                   ADVERTISING                Industries will also have a website that you can access directly for information, as well
                                              as a real human being answering the phone during business hours. Please feel free to
             For information on this and other
               neighborhood publications,     contact me (also a real human most of the time) at 713-208-3427. I might not be able to
               please call 281.583.7661       answer your call at the moment, so please leave your name and number. If you would
                                              prefer to email me, please do so at
          DISCLAIMER: All articles,  information, website  addresses  and
          cartoons  in  this  newsletter  express  the  opinions  of  their  authors     Mark Norman, Maintenance Director
          and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Champions Printing &
          Publishing, Inc. or its employees. Champions Printing & Publishing,   713-208-3427 •
          Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles,
          information, website addresses and cartoons submitted by others.
          The editor and/or governing entity of this publication has approved
          the use of all articles and information within this publication.
          Champions Printing & Publishing, Inc., is not responsible for any
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          for the advertising content within this publication. All warranties,
          representations, claims, or endorsements made in the advertising
          content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims or
          demands regarding its content must be taken up with and are
          the sole responsibility of the advertiser. The publisher retains the   The Huntwick Herald  is published monthly for the residents of Huntwick in partnership with
          exclusive rights to the acceptance or denial of all advertising copy.
          The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for   Champions Printing & Publishing, Inc.
          misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except
          for the actual cost of such advertising. Although every effort is   © 2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
          taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication, the
          publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or
          typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising   DECEMBER NEWSLETTER DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 9
          as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed
          retraction/correction. Under no circumstances shall the publisher be
          held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience,   Please deliver articles and photos to the editor, Stephen Kelly, at 5427 Olympia Fields
          loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to
          publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as   or email
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          for ANY DAMAGES for failure of the Post Office or subdivision   Classified ads are free to all Huntwick residents under these guidelines: Use this section to buy and sell personal items
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                                              Include a phone number with each ad. Ads only run for one issue. Editor has right to reject ads deemed unfit.
                                                        Huntwick Herald                            November 2020   3
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