Page 1 - Huntwick Herald NOV 2020
P. 1
November 2020
Volume 276 The Official Publication of the Huntwick Civic Association, Inc.
MAINTENANCE Ready or not, the holidays are here. Time to think about family, turkey, a Houston Texans
DIRECTOR’S UPDATE victory over the Detroit Lions, and maybe a little wine. Give thanks – after all, you live in
the best neighborhood in the city!
Thank you, neighbors, for being part
of a wonderful place to live. When we Every Thanksgiving, I chuckle in my food-induced coma thinking about how similar
chose Huntwick more than 15 years our Thanksgiving celebrations are with the Pilgrims’ first celebration in 1621, despite the
ago, the choice was clear and I am very harsh 17th century conditions. Most of what we know about that celebration comes from
happy to say that today, there is still no a single letter written by Edward Winslow, one of 102 people who sailed from England
other place we’d rather live. aboard the Mayflower in 1620 and founded Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts. The
celebration included about 50 Pilgrims (22 men, four women, and more than 25 children
I have just started serving on the and teenagers) and about 90 Wampanoag Indians. The first Thanksgiving involved
Board as Maintenance Director to fill feasting, games, and plenty of diplomacy between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag
John Crookshanks’s term. Thank you, Indians. Today, my family Thanksgiving also includes feasting, games, and plenty
John, for your service and for the help of diplomacy among my daughter and two boys!
you have been in bringing me up to
speed. The role of the Maintenance To help keep your Thanksgiving celebrations clean and tidy, your Huntwick Civic
Director includes overseeing trash Association Board (led by new Maintenance Director Mark Norman) has partnered with
collection services, grounds maintenance, Champions Industries to help service our trash and recycling collection needs. While I
irrigation and electrical service for the hope all of you are thrilled with the change and Champions Industries’ state-of-the-art
common areas, and more— things you trucks, please be aware of one important change. After November 1, 2020, your trash
as a Huntwick resident shouldn’t have to collection will take place on Mondays and Thursdays. Bulk-item pickup will take place
worry about. When these are running on Thursdays. That’s right, Huntwick, no more Saturday morning scrambles when you
smoothly, you are able to focus on what realized you forgot to put out the trash! I cannot thank Mark enough for the incredible
matters most to you and your family. amount of work he put in to make this important change a reality.
That’s the way it should be. This month, Please be vigilant to ensure that our transition to Champions Industries is as smooth
the Huntwick Civic Association Board as possible. To do so, please use the following resources for important updates:
has focused on our trash and recycling 1. Frequently check the neighborhood website at
services to make sure they surpass the
levels of excellence we expect. 2. Use the Nextdoor app
3. Sign up for Huntwick e-blasts by visiting
The end result of the Board’s efforts
is an exciting change that should or by contacting your HCA Web Director, Kelly Kennepp at
ensure excellent trash/recycling
services for years to come. Recently, 4. Contact me at or 832-293-1105
the Board voted to hire the services 5. Contact Mark Norman, your new Maintenance Director at
of Champions Industries (CI), a or 713-208-3427
relatively new company with decades 6. Contact Champions Industries directly at 281-587-1960 or
of experience at the management level. continued on page 3
continued on page 3