Page 14 - المراجعة_الشاملة_للإختبار_النهائي_الفصل_الدراسي_الثاني_النموذج
P. 14

o  do cells in the skin protect the skin  rom ultraviolet radiation?
                                              ؟ةيجسفنبلا قوف ةعشلأا نم   دلجلا  دلجلا يف ايلاخلا يمحت فيك
                     hey secrete oils

                     hey store cutin

                 C   hey absorb calcium
                     hey produce melanin

            Where are sebaceous glands located?

               hair  ollicles

            C  s eat pores

               subcutaneous tissue

             Which division o  the skeleton is related to the movement o  limbs                      ?

               a ial skeleton

                appendicular skeleton

           What type o  tissue is bone?

             connective tissue

              epithelial tissue

           C  integumentary tissue

              ligamentary tissue

            Where in this bone is the spongy bone tissue?

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