Page 9 - المراجعة_الشاملة_للإختبار_النهائي_الفصل_الدراسي_الثاني_النموذج
P. 9

3- Soft Callus Formation

                               •     Within days of the fracture, the blood clot is
                               replaced by a soft callus that provides a new
                               framework for bone growth.

                               •     The callus is made of newly formed osteoblasts and osteoclasts, the
                               two types of cells needed for the natural bone remodeling process.

                               •     The fracture site is weak, so the broken bone is normally kept in
               place with  a splint or cast
            •  . اراطإ رفوي يذلا م   عانلا   سلكلاب ةيومدلا ةطلجلا لادبتسا متي ، رسكلا نم مايأ نوضغ يف معانلا سلكلا ليكشت  3 -
                     ايلاخلا نم ناعون امهو، اثيدح اهليكشت مت يتلا    ماظ علاو       ةيمظعلا ايلاخلا نم جيسنلا نوكتي  .    ماظعلا ومنل اديدج
                يف ةداع ةروسكملا ماظعلاب ظافتحلاا متي كلذل ، فيعض رسكلا عقوم  .    ةيعيبطلا ماظعلا ضرع ةداعإ ةيلمعل ةمزلالا
                                                                                            . ةريبج وأ ةريبج عم اهناكم

               4- Bony Callus Formation Within three weeks, osteoblasts start to replace the soft
               callus with a hard, bony callus. The bony callus is made of spongy bone.

            •  5-Bone Remodeling The last stage of bone repair involves osteoblast remodeling the
               spongy bone into compact bone. Over several weeks or months, compact bone
               replaces spongy bone, and the bone is remodeled.

                              The Skeletal System: Joints

        What are joints? Joints are where two or more bones meet. Most
        joints are responsible for movement.

                    مظعم .رثكأ وأ ناتمظع هيف يقتلي يذلا ناكملا يه لصافملا  ؟لصافملا يه ام                        بلاط يبا نب يلع ةسردم Biolog022 T2   Mr Gamal kasem
                       نكمي            ؟لصافملا عاونأ يه ام  .ةكرحلا نع ةلوؤسملا يه لصافملا
                  :   ةكرحت ملا ريغ لصافملا   . :اهب حمست يتلا ةكرحلا ىدمل اقفو لصافملا فينصت
                      .        ةدودحملا ةكرحلاب حمست   :    ةكرحلا ةيلق لصافملا  . ةكرح يأب حمست لا
                                                                       ةكرحلا ةعساو   لصافملا

        Bones :- The knee joint is composed of three bones; the femur, tibia,
        and patella.
        Cartilage: is a type of connective tissue
        covers the ends of the bones at the joint
        enables bones to move without rubbing against each other
        Ligaments:  - are bands of strong connective tissue - hold bones together
        - support and limit the joint’s movement
        Tendons:  . are a type of tough connective tissue                                            . connect
        muscles to bones and help control the movement of the                                     joint
        Bursae (singular bursa):  are fluid-filled sacs  - act as                                 cushions
        between muscles, ligaments, and bones to reduce friction                                  Types of
        Joints                                                                                    Joints can be
        classified into different categories based on their shape.                                The shape of

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