Page 7 - المراجعة_الشاملة_للإختبار_النهائي_الفصل_الدراسي_الثاني_النموذج
P. 7

ماظعلا   ىلع   ظافحلا   نع   ةلوؤسملا   يه   ماظعلا   ايلاخ .    تقولا     لاوط   نوريغتيو   نوربكي   مهنإ   ةيح   يمظعلا   لكيهلا   ماظع
                                                                                                  .   اهليكشتو   اهومنو
       بلاط يبا نب يلع ةسردم Biology 2022 T2   Mr Gamal kasem
        The table below summarizes the function of each bone cell type.
         Cell Type                 osteoblasts               Osteocytes                 osteoclasts
         Function                  form new bones            maintain bone tissue       break down bones

        What is ossification? Ossification is the process by which new bone is produced.

                                                    ةديدجلا   ماظعلا   جاتنإ   اهللاخ   نم   متي   يتلا   ةيلمعلا   وه   مظعتلا   ؟ مظعتلا   وه  ام
        When during life does ossification occur? Ossification begins about the third month of fetal

        life. Bone growth continues until approximately age 25.
        How do bones grow? In the early embryo, the skeleton is made of cartilage.During fetal
        development, much of this cartilage is replaced by osteoblasts. During childhood and
        adolescence, cartilage is gradually replaced by bone through ossification. By the age of 25,
        nearly all cartilage is replaced by bone, and bones stop growing in length  some cartilage

        remains in the adult skeleton, such as in these:  joints  -  rib cage -  the discs between the

        vertebrae  outer ears  the tip of the nose

        Bone Remodeling and Repair What is bone remodeling? is a process where old bone tissue is
                           removed from the skeleton, and new bone tissue is formed.
        When does bone remodeling occur? The bone remodeling process occurs throughout life
        How do bones remodel? Bones remodel by the work of osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
        Osteoclasts break down old bone, and osteoblasts make new bone.
                نم   ةميدقلا   ماظعلا   ةجسنأ   ةلازإ     متي     ثيح   ةيلمع   يه  ؟    ماظعلا     نيوكت   ةداعإ   وه    ام     فلتلا حلاصإو   ماظعلا نيوكت   ةداعإ
             لاوط     ثدحي   ماظعلا   ءانب   ةداعإ   ةيلمع   ؟ماظعلا   ءانب   ةداعإ     ثدحت   ىتم .  ةديدج   ةيمظع   ةجسنأ     ليكشت   متيو   ،يمظعلا   لكيهلا
             .  ماظعلل   ةينابلا ايلاخلا   لبق   نم   اهليكشت   ةداعإ  ؟        اهليكشت   ةداعإ متي   فيك   ةايحلا
                                .    ةديدجلا   ماظعلل ةينابلا   ماظعلاو   ،ماظعلل ةمداهلا ايلاخلا
        Why do bones remodel? to replace old bone tissue, for
        minor repair of bones, and to maintain normal calcium
        levels in the body.
               ةيمظعلا ةجسنلأا لحم لحتل ماظعلا ءانب ةداع ؟ماظعلا ءانب داعي اذامل
              مويسلاكلا تايوتسم ىلع ظافحلاو ،ماظعلا نم ةفيفط حلاصلإ ،ةميدقلا                                          بلاط يبا نب يلع ةسردم Biology 2022 T2   Mr Gamal kasem
                                                         مسجلا يف ةيعيبطلا
        Bone Injuries What is a bone fracture? Fractures are
        common bone injuries. What is a bone fracture? A
        bone fracture is a crack or a break in a bone. What are
        some common types of bone fractures?  Bone fractures

        are categorized based on their features.  ماظعلا تاباصإ يه  روسكلا ؟ماظعلا رسك وه ام ماظعلا تاباصإ
             فينصت متي   ؟ةعئاشلا ماظعلا روسك عاونأ ضعب يه ام  .    ماظعلا يف شودخ وأ رسك وه ماظعلا رسك    ؟ماظعلا رسك وه ام
                                                                                   .    اهحملام  ساسأ ىلع ماظعلا روسك

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