Page 2 - المراجعة_الشاملة_للإختبار_النهائي_الفصل_الدراسي_الثاني_النموذج
P. 2

The Structure of the Skin

        Skin - multilayered organ that covers and protects the body

        Functions of the Integumentary System

            ▪  Temperature regulation – cooling and heating  Vitamin production – vitamin D
            ▪  Protection and senses – 1  defense against bacteria, etc.  Senses of touch, temperature
                                Structure                                        Function

                                   •  the thinner outer layer of     •  makes new skin cells
                                       the skin                      •  prevents water loss
          Epidermis                •  doesn’t contain blood          •  responsible for skin color
                                                                     •  protects from the Sun’s UV rays
                                                                     •  forms a barrier to protect from invading
                                   •  composed of epithelial
                                       tissue and some nervous          pathogens
                                   •  the thicker second layer of    •  responsible for the structural strength and
                                                                        flexibility of the skin
                                       the skin                      •  produces sweat and oil
                                   •  contains blood vessels
          Dermis                   •  composed of connective,        •  involved in sensation
                                       muscle, and nervous
                                       tissues                       •  helps regulate body temperature

                                   •  located below the dermis       •  stores fat
          Subcutan  eous   Layer      •  composed of connective      •  helps the body retain heat
                                                                     •  protects internal structures from impact

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