Page 184 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 184
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13 - 18 yrs There are specific stages of development
that both boys and girls go through when
developing secondary sexual
characteristics (the physical
characteristics of males and females that
are not involved in reproduction such as
voice changes, body shape, pubic hair
distribution, and facial hair). The
following is a brief overview of the
changes that occur:
In boys, the initial puberty change is the
enlargement of the scrotum and testes.
At this point, the penis does not enlarge.
Then, as the testes and scrotum continue
to enlarge, the penis gets longer. Next,
the penis will continue to grow in both
size and length.
In girls, the initial puberty change is the
development of breast buds, in which the
breast and nipple elevate. The areola
(dark area of skin that surrounds the
nipple of the breast) increases in size at
this time. The breasts then continue to
enlarge. Eventually, the nipples and the
areolas will elevate again, forming
another projection on the breasts. At the
adult state, only the nipple remains
elevated above the rest of the breast