Page 66 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   conversations with all ages of children and youth.
                   This provides the most non-directive way of hearing
                   about important matters and allows the child to
                   speak through objects or images. The use of
                   metaphor is powerful and bypasses the need for
                   evaluative thinking, and what children say about
                   their products or expressions is what is most
                   important. Meeting with all children no matter what
                   level of conflict their parents are experiencing is an
                   important principle.

                   What Does the Meeting with
                               Approach Entail?

                   Meeting with Children approach includes 2-meetings
                   where preferably, each parent brings the child to one
                   meeting. During the meetings, children and youth
                   are offered activities through which they can share
                   ideas, thoughts, feelings and things that are
                   important to them.  It is a voluntary process, and no
                   child is required to participate. To ensure it is the
                   child or youth’s decision not to participate, children
                   are asked to come to at least one meeting so that
                   they can express this directly to the practitioner. Two
                   meetings instead of one minimizes the chances of
                   having an off-day, may minimize undue influence by
                   one parent, offers the child a way to feel comfortable
                   and important, allows the child to add to their
                   previous comments or concerns and can diminish
                   tokenistic inclusion of a child. The approach is non-
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