Page 68 - Meeting with Children Book
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In order to structure the approach for the
practitioner, there are a number of practical tools
that accompany the Meeting with Children approach.
These tools are designed to identify the following: 1)
Parent readiness to hear their child’s input (Parent
Readiness Scale); 2) Child and youth readiness to
share various thoughts feelings and concerns (Child
and Youth Readiness Scale) and 3) Child and youth’s
concerns over a number of areas of a child’s life post
separation and divorce (Child and Youth Concerns
Scale). Each tool helps to organize information
gained and identify important issues.
Training in use of these tools in addition to the
Temperament Scale for use when meeting with
parents about their children are all an important
focus for Meeting with Children.
Anchored in Child Development
Children are complex because they are in a constant
state of growth and change. Understanding what
factors to consider when meeting with children is an
important part of the Meeting with Children
approach. The training includes a focus on cognitive,
social-emotional, physical and moral development
for 4 main age bands spanning from 1.5 years to 18
years of age. Practical materials, videos, charts,
references and descriptions are all brought together
with the Wheel of Child Development tool. It is