Page 116 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 116
Child Care: (includes – any issues, concerns or changes related to care of the children by a parent or third
party, may include babysitters, nannies, or before/after school care etc.)
There are no comments this week about Child Care
There are comments this week about Child Care see dot points below
Day-to-Day Parenting Issues: (includes changes in rules, increased responsibilities, issues around any
parenting routines, expectations of children, etc.)
There are no comments this week about Day to Day Parenting
There are comments this week about Day to Day Parenting see dot points below
Other: (includes questions you may have about clarifying things a child has said, or questions about either
child in general. Also, you can clarify a response here as w ell). This is a general category but it MUST
have something to do with parenting one of the children.
There are no Other comments this week
There are Other comments this week see dot points below
Send the completed form to the other parent AND cc'd to ISDR according to the time table agreed in sessions.
PAGE 114