Page 115 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 115
Parent Communication Log
Week Beginning: Week Ending:
Parent Completing Form:
School: (includes projects, homework updates, social issues, teacher comments, observations, parent-
teacher interview or talks feedback special education issues).
There are no comments this week about School
There are comments this week about School see dot points below
Activities: (includes organized activity updates – like a winning a game etc. and unorganized activities –
park visits, play dates, etc. Any changes to organized activities should be included).
There are no comments this week about Activities
There are comments this week about Activities see dot points below
Health: (includes – small sicknesses, tummy aches, food preferences/ changes, basic medical issues,
appointments for medical and dental, feedback about any medical or dental appointments, counselling
{feedback and updates}, emotional health etc.)
There are no comments this week about Health
There are comments this week about Health see dot points below
PAGE 113
Day-to-Day Parenting Issues: (includes changes in rules, increased responsibilities, issues around any
parenting routines, expectations of children, etc.)