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1. Bail/ ditch It is an informal way of saying being greatly
Bail and ditch both mean to have to break or impressed by someone from performing or
cancel the plans with someone. For just doing something well.
instance, you have to cancel the plans with “Beyoncé slays in her every performance!”
your friends due to unfinished school work. 7. Stan
“Sorry friends, i have to bail tonight.” The word was first found in the song “stan”,
2. Balling/ballin’ from american rapper eminem’s album in
You may have heard of this term in many 2000. Nowadays, it refers to die-hard fans of
american pop songs, such as white iverson celebrities.
by post malon when he said: “when i started “Did you watch jlo and shakira performances
ballin’ i was young”. In casual conversation, at superbowl last night, i stan for them!”
ballin’ means having a wealthy and luxurious
lifestyle. 8. Tea/here is the tea
“Heard you went on vacation in los angeles It is slang for gossip or hot news circulating
again last week, you are ballin’!” the situation. It is often used in terms such
3. Chill/chill out as what’s the tea (what’s the new gossip),
Meaning “calm down” on casual occasions. spill the tea (tell someone about gossip), or
If your friends are being overly excited at a just use it as one word referring to the hot
football game, you can say “hey man, chill news.
out.” “Would you like to spill the tea of your date
4. Down to earth from last night?”
Referring to someone when they are 9. Wack
humble, genuine, and easy to get along Different than the traditional definition,
with. wack refers to “boring” or “worse than
“I made a new friend at the museum last expectations” in the u.S pop culture.
night, she was super down to earth. I would “The movie was wack.”
love to hang out with her again!” 10. What’s good
5. Goat Equivalent to “what’s up” or “how are you
Not the cute animal, but the acronym for doing”, often used as a causal greeting
“greatest of all time”. Pronounce exactly like between friends. When an english speaker
the animal, but goat should only be used to asks you that question, you can respond
talk about someone who truly is the with what you are doing or how you are
greatest of all time. feeling at the moment.
“Kobe is the goat, may he rest in peace” “What’s good? Haven’t seen you for a while”
6. Slay
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