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P. 166
Utiliza adjetives beginning whti un, in, il, ir, im, para describir productos
y servicios
Actividad 10 Valoración
Match the slang adjectives with their definition.
1. ( ) He’s a wuss a. Fun and lively at social events
2. ( ) He’s a kiwi b. Boring and old-fashioned
3. ( ) He’s a smarty-pants c. Strong and attractive
4. ( ) He’s a slob d. Dishonest
5. ( ) He’s an old fart e. Forgets things easily
6. ( ) He’s the life and soul of the partyf. Difficult to control
7. ( ) He’s a hunk g. Behaves strangely
8. ( ) He’s an old fogey h. Gives up easily
9. ( ) He’s a shyster i. Goes to bed very late
10. ( ) He’s a scatterbrain j. Wants to appear to be clever
11. ( ) He’s a handful k. Coward
12. ( ) He’s a weirdo l. Boring and irritating
13. ( ) He’s a quitter m. Lazy and untidy
14. ( ) He’s a cheapskate n. Doesn´t like to spend money
15. ( ) He’s a night owl o. From New Zealand
Ilustrate the slang adjective that interests you.
Grado 9°