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www.                              CONSERVATION PLAN ON THE GOTHICK MEMORIAL CHURCH FOR THE KYLEMORE TRUST                                        5         CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITE C T

                 required.                                                               A long-term repair and conservation plan for the Gothick Memorial Church must be
                                                                                         prepared. The works should be supervised by a person qualified and with expertise in
                 The conditions which allow salts to form are also harmful to human health.
                                                                                         building conservation.
                 Disabled access is practically impossible at the church especially for wheelchair      Survey inspection of the upper parts of the building, the roof, especially the tower   5.3  Policies Relating To Disabled Access
                                                                                         roof, rainwater goods, coping stones and other stone architectural elements to
                                                                                         determine any potential sources of moisture ingress. All rainwater goods should be      A system of providing discrete access for the disabled should be investigate and a
            4.3.3 Threats and Vulnerabilities relating to traffic                        checked for blockages, leaks and hose-tested for function.               solution that has least impact on the setting, character and fabric of the church
                                                                                                                                                                  should only be considered.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Due to the height, length, position of doors it is
            and visitor management                                                       A programme of works related to roof gutters and flashings should be investigated and   unlikely that a chair lift will be suitable and an alternative removable ramp might be
                                                                                         repairs carried out.
                                                                                                                                                                  considered. External chair lifts have a limited life span, especially in Connemara
                 Large numbers of visitors, guided tours, taking photographs may have a negative      Investigation in to the deterioration of materials, especially masonry and mortars   weather. They require a great deal of maintenance and are difficult to conceal. The
                 impact on the church                                                    should be undertaken. In accordance with the recommendations outlined in the   ramp as shown in the basic design requirement drawings is quite large and bulky
                                                                                         Assessment by Dr Bolton and the following should be carried out based on his report.  having an adverse impact on the church. Health and Safety is an issue which requires
                 Visitors are essential to sustain Kylemore. An increase in visitor numbers also will
                 also cause more wear and tear on historic fabric, which needs to be managed so      Identify the Type and Source(s) of the Salt(s) and the Source(s) of Moisture mobilising   continuous ramps fall at 1 in 20 and ramps required for this situation at 1 in 12 with 1.5
                                                                                                                                                                  meter landings.  Outline options for a removable ramp is shown.
                 that wear and tear is minimized.                                        the salts.
                                                                                                                                                                  Other Voices Courgage  gives concerts in the church. It is suggested that an outdoor
                                                                                         Use this information to determine the appropriate intervention.          permanent timber structure be designed to the gable of the church and to have within
            4.3.4  Threats To Landscape and Environment                                  The stone should be tested to confirm his hypothesis relating to the decay of Caen   it a ramp. A removable section may be added to this structure to enable wheelchair
                                                                                         stone..                                                                  access to the church lobby which can be put in place as needed.
                 The setting of the Church the views and prospects are essential ingredients Much      Hose tests to determine where moisture is entering the building should be carried      A full typographical survey of the lands about the church should be carried out.
                 good work has been carried out in landscaping, both in the walled gardens by
                 Finola Reid, garden historian and designer and in replanting generally. The area   out. At the same this to be carried out in dry, preferably sunny conditions to
                                                                                         determine how/where water ingress occurs during periods of high/intense rainfall.
                 immediately around the church is finished in an inappropriate tarmacadam                                                                    5.4  Policies Relating To Traffic
                 which detracts from the appearance of the structure and its setting. A revised      Determine the condition  of the masonry, and the likely progression of decay forms,
                 landscape proposal, incorporating the suggested ramp should be investigated.  and the scope of any repair works
                                                                                                                                                                  Circulation of traffic, students and scholars, tourists and delivery trucks on the Estate
            4.3.6  Threats To The Benedictine Community and Ethos                        Identify the best options for any necessary repair or remedial action, and the most   should be rationalized including the use of the rear access gate at Baskilla Bridge
                                                                                         cost effective.                                                          should be encouraged. This was the entrance that the Henrys used. Pedestrian traffic
                 The intention is to retain the Benedictine ethos and monastic life of the nuns                                                                   around the church and graveyard should be reexamined in conjunction with landscape
                 within any proposals. However with an aging religious population and few new      Outline effective forms of maintenance for the building.       and traffic.
                 vocations, the Benedictine ethos and involvement in the estate is at risk.     Analyse Cream Stone: Samples of the stone should be taken and analysed to
                                                                                         understand its composition and salt content. The analysis should:
                                                                                                                                                             5.5  Policies Relating to Tourism and Visitor Management
            4.3.7  Threats due to Research Gaps                                          a)  Determine the composition and porosity of the stone (petrographic analysis).
                                                                                         b) Investigate the presence of salts within the stone (chemical & petrographic      One of the aims of the Kylemore Trust is maintain and enhance Kylemore. Visitors
                 All of the important information on the refurbishment works carried out in the   analysis).                                                      are essential to sustain Kylemore. Proposed interventions and upgrades of
                 1990s has been lost due to a flood. Despite those works the stone has continued      Identify Salts:                                             services in the Abbey and Church should be controlled so as to retain
                 to deteriorate. That fact together with the lack of knowledge of the stone                                                                       significance. The proposed visitor circulation layout within the castle should be
                 deterioration is a gap in the understanding of the place                Remove Existing Salt Efflorescence & Monitor: After sampling, all salt efflorescence   implemented so that wear and tear from visitor traffic is minimised.
                                                                                         should be vacuumed from the wall surface.
                                                                                                                                                                  The suggested  idea of a Spiritual Tourism Trail should be investigated.
            5.0  Conservation Policies and Recommendations                               Diagnostic Environmental Monitoring: The temperature and relative humidity within      Interpretation and signage should be improved throughout the estate.
                                                                                         the church should be monitored The environmental monitoring should be
                                                                                         accompanied by time-lapse photography.
                 This section sets out policies which are aimed at protecting the significance of
                 the site. In line with good conservation practice and the Venice, Burra and      Repair Cracks: The cracks and open joints seen on the internal wall surfaces should be  5.6  Policies Relating to the Benedictine Community and Ethos.
                 ICOMOS conservation charters the foremost policy is to enhance, retain and   pointed up and monitored.
                 restore the significance of Kylemore and the Gothick Memorial Church. All                                                                        Large numbers of visitors, guided tours, taking photographs may have a negative
                 changes, uses and works should be measured against the potential for negative      Open joints should be pointed up with an appropriate lime-based mortar. Cracks in   impact on the community affecting the balance of their main activities of work and
                                                                                         the stone should be filled with a proprietary stone-coloured mortar. One or similar
                 impact on the integrity of the historic site.                                                                                                    prayer and the accommodation of  visitors.  By building of a new monastery, increasing
                                                                                         product matched to the colour and properties of the stone)
                 While there is protection afforded by the State and the Local Authority there      Policies relation to maintenance                              visitor access to the Benedictine community and the communities involvement in
                                                                                                                                                                  education, retreats and other enterprises and initiatives on the estate it is hoped that
                 should be increased statutory protection for the site to prevent development.
                 Adjoining owners should be made aware of the significance of the site.     A manual for maintenance and cleaning including measures for protection from visitor   this will sustain Benedictine Community and Ethos in to the future.
                                                                                         wear and tear.
                 There are no later buildings on the Kylemore site that impact on the setting of
                 the Church.  All works should comply with current regulations.      5.2   Policies Relating To Fire and Security                            5.7  Policies relating to energy
                                                                                         These areas have been dealt with in the past but will always be a priority in any      Investigation into energy efficiency and to improve insulation values where possible.
            5.1  Policies Relating To Fabric                                             change. In conservation terms they can have a serious impact, especially on the
                                                                                         interiors of buildings. Renovation should address the current issues facing them
                                                                                         while retaining as much of the original fabric as possible. Service upgrades
                 Based on priority, a planned program of essential repairs and stabilization is   should use existing service runs where possible.           5.8  Policies Relating to Knowledge Gaps
                 required for the church and all works should be recorded.
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