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CA THAL CRIMMINS AR CHITE C T                    6                                  CONSERVATION PLAN ON THE GOTHICK MEMORIAL CHURCH FOR THE KYLEMORE TRUST                                         www.

                 There is a significant gap in the lost information on the works carried out in the 1990s and earlier.   The ground level to the north is   Ground at higher level  6.0  BIBLIOGRAPHY
                 Every effort will be made to track down the drawings and details of those works. There is an   higher than the ground at the                                       Gray, J, 1883, ‘A Tourist’s View of Ireland’.
                 enormous amount of information on the whole site so It is essential that Kylemore retain an archive  steps. A simple ramp is shown at                              Hall, 1850, ‘Hall’s Ireland’,
                 to retain this information and to order is so that future studies can avail of it.   the east gable which would start                                              Harris-Stone. J, 1906, ‘Connemara and The Neighbouring Spots of Beauty and Interest’,
                                                                                               at the higher north land and rise                                                Health Resort Publishing
             6.0  Implementation and Review Procedures                                         southward to the  corner of the             permanentn1;12 ramp with 1.5M            Kylemore Abbey Publications, 2000, ‘Kylemore Abbey: From Generation to Generation’,
                                                                                               church. This section would be               landing the width of the gable           Villiers-Tuthill. K , 2002, ‘A History of Kylemore Abbey and Castle’, Kylemore Abbey
                 To implement the policies above a discussion with all stakeholders, funding bodies    and
             designers on the issues outlined in this report and the Conservation report on the Walled Gardens needs   timber as shown in the Versaille                         Publications, Galway.
             to take place to agree strategy..                                                 photo. It can be used and                                                            The Kylemore Trust 2012 ‘Come and See’ Kylemore Abbey Publications
             The important issues of leaks and pointing can be detailed, costed and implemented.  adapted and extended for                                                          Sherwood Associates, May 2012 ‘Kylemore Abbey, The Experience - Project Overview’, Faille
             Resulting from the above the fabric deterioration may require input from experts, mechanical and   outdoor choir concerts. Three   three removable timber ramp     Ireland Submission
             electrical engineer, material consultant and conservation architect. Energy may also form part of this   removable timber ramp sections   sections                     Galway County Development Plan 2015-2021
             discussion.                                                                       can be installed when disable                                                        Irish Architectural Archive Boxed Photographs
             The access proposals outlined should be  Disabled access has been studied and further design should be   access is needed. If left in a                                National Library of Ireland Photographic Collections
             carried out based on the studies and sketches in this report.                     permanent position they would                                                        Lawrence Photographic Collection
             A full typographical survey of the adjoining lands should be carried out.         have a negative impact on the                                                        O’Dea Photographic Collection
                                                                                               church. The removable sections                                                       Clonbrock Photographic Collection
                                                                                               could be stored in the crypt.                                                        Wynne Album
                                                                                                                                                                                    The Stereo Pairs Photographic Collection
                                                                                               The permanent part of the ramp
                                                                                               would not have an adverse                                                            The Joshua H Hargrave Collection
                                                                                               impact on the church and could,                                                      Leask. H, 1966, ‘Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, Volume two”, Dundalgan Press.
                                                                                               having a separate function as a                                                      Previous Plans and Reports
                                                                                               stage be an addition to the                                                          The Kylemore Trust 2012 ‘Come and See’ Kylemore Abbey Publications
                                                                                               church.                                                                              Galway County Development Plan 2009-2015
                                                                                                                                                                                    Draft Galway County Development Plan 2015-2021
                                                                                                                                                                                    Finlan. M, 1995, ‘President to Open Gothic Church at Kylemore Abbey’, Irish Times, April
                                                                                                                                                                                10th 1995.
             Lift                                                                                                                                                                   Finlan. M, 1995, ‘New Life for Church of a Widowed Millionaire’, Irish Times, 29th April 1995
                                                                                                                                                                                    Finlan. M, 1980, ‘Kylemore Sisters Honor Saint’, Irish Times, 21st April 1980
             Investigation into various forms of platform
             lifts and moveable steps were carried out                                                                                                                              Fuller. J.F, 1909 ‘Reminiscences of Fifty Years’, Irish Builder Jubilee Number 1909, 24;
             and while the above might have solved   Site plan.                                                                                                                     Fuller. J.F, 1916, ‘Omniana’, p 183;
             some problems the steps could not be used   A full typographical site survey is required                                                                               Freeman’s Journal, 6 Nov 1875
             by anyone else while the lift was in place.                                                                                                                            Irish Builder 14, 1 Jan 1872, 1;
                                                                                                                                                                                    Irish Builder 44, 14 Aug 1902,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Irish Builder 45, 24 Sep 1903,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Irish Builder 103, 22 Jul 1961, 583
                                                                                                                                                                                    Irish Times, 26 Oct 1897.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Archival Sources
                                                                                                                                                                                    Irish Architectural Archive, Press clippings File on Kylemore Abbey
                                                                                                                                              no ramp at entrance                   Irish Architectural Archive, Patterson, Shortall and Kempster collection
                                               1976  1:50
                                                                                                                                                                                    B05/07, B06/07, A03 (Jul 1868, p.85v);
                                        1500       4860
                                                   <1:20                                                                                                                            B06a/36, B07/23, B08/17, B09/14, B10/15, A06 (Jun 1881)
                                                                                                                                                                                    Kylemore Abbey Publications, 1990, ‘ Kylemore Abbey Gothic Church: Restoration Work
                                                         9500  <1:20                                                                                                                Historic Photographs and Images
                                                       7900  <1:20
                                                                                                                                                                                    Henry, P, Landscape of Connemara
                                                                                                                                                                                    Irish Architectural Archive Boxed Photographs
              Reference images: Gran Versailles Project 2003-2020
              "Demountable (reversible) ramps and steps have been constructed at all the main entrances.                                                                            National Library of Ireland Photographic Collections
              The timber chosen will weather to grey, similar to that of the stone"
                                                                                                                                                                                    Lawrence Photographic Collection
                                          1  GF Plan. Ramped access
                                                                                                                                                                                    The Joshua H Hargrave Collection
             C A T H A L    C R I M M I N S    A R C H I T E C T  PURPOSE OF DRAWING  Client:  Kylemore Abbey Drawing:  GF plan: gently sloped access  Pr1
               THE COURTYARD, 40 MAIN STREET,  BLACKROCK, COUNTY DUBLIN, IRELAND  PRELIMINARY  Job:  Improvements Scale:  1:100 @A3
                Tel: 353 1 2786165, Email:  DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION  Site:  Kylemore memorial church  Date:  November 2020  Job Ref:  1575 Rev:  -  Maps
             Ramp                                                                                                                                                                   First edition Ordnance Survey Map of Galway 1840-2
                                                                                                                                                                                    Griffith Valuation Map of 1855
             The photograph of the timber ramp used in Versaille, France is
             simple in design and form and has a minimal impact on the                                                                                                              Ordnance Survey Map of Galway 1898
             historic structure. The drawing on the left shows the requirement
             for a ramp the would satisfy the building regulations. If erected
             in this form it would have a negative impact on the character of                                                           removable  ramp at entrance
             the protected structure.
             Other forms were looked at and dismissed as either interfering
             with the graveyard or having a negative impact.
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