Page 3 - Threat Intelligence 10-3-2019
P. 3
State of the
Healthcare providers are in the news once again with the Ryuk
Ransomware bringing down certain hospital systems. Luckily the 3
hospitals in question, DCH Regional Medical Center, Northport Medical
Center and Fayette Medical Center, have protocols in place for when
these systems are down. These hospitals were unable to accept new
patients having to re-route ambulances. This is one of those scary
situations where a cyber attack could have potentially life-threatening
ramifications under the right circumstances.
The US Senate has approved the “DHS Cyber Hunt and Incident
Response Teams Act,” which aims to protect state and local entities
from cyber threats as well as restore infrastructures after they are
affected by ransomware attacks. This law should in time help reduce
how many reports we are seeing of schools and other government
entities being hit with ransomware.
A recent study from Bitdefender has helped reveal just how common
data breaches are. The initial numbers from the report revealed that a
staggering 57% of all the companies they surveyed have experienced a
data breach in the past 3 years with 24% having experienced a breach
this year. The report also dives into more specifics of attacks and how
frequently they occur. C-suite executives were also found the most likely
employees to be noncompliant with these security protocols. With the
sensitivity of the information handled by these executives, security
should be a primary cause for concern.
~Stay Secure