Page 7 - Threat Intelligence 10-3-2019
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Regulatory and
Privacy News
Senate Passes Bill To Combat Ransomware Attacks. The U.S. Senate has approved new legislation aimed at
helping government agencies and private-sector companies combat ransomware attacks. The legislation
comes as local governments and schools continue to be hit by sophisticated – and in some cases coordinated –
ransomware attacks. The proposed law, the “DHS Cyber Hunt and Incident Response Teams Act,” authorizes
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to invest in and develop “incident response teams” to help
organizations battle ransomware attacks. Part of that means that the DHS would create teams to protect state
and local entities from cyber threats and restore infrastructure that has been affected by ransomware attacks.
Google Faces iPhone Privacy Lawsuit After Court Reinstates Case. A U.K. lawsuit filed against Google by
millions of iPhone users over data-collection claims was given the go-ahead by London appeals judges who
overturned an earlier ruling that had thrown out the case. The group, known as Google You Owe Us, were
seeking as much as 3.2 billion pounds ($3.9 billion), according to documents filed with the court last year. The
organization, which represents more than 4 million people, said the Alphabet Inc. unit unlawfully gathered
personal information by bypassing Apple Inc.’s iPhone default privacy settings.
Which? investigation finds wireless security cameras are putting consumer privacy at risk – Expert
Comments. Consumer group Which? has found that Amazon is promoting webcams, baby monitors and home
surveillance cameras with gaping security flaws which could be used to spy on their customers. Researchers
tested six wireless cameras that had received the coveted Amazon’s Choice label, driving them to the top of
the company’s search results, but found serious loopholes including weak passwords and unencrypted data.