Page 13 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
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                      How Can Fear Be Good?

                 I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail
                 my ship.

                                                    —Louisa May Alcott

             Despite what you may have heard – fear is a good thing! Fear alerts us
             to danger; fear leads to choices. Fear keeps us awake and aware!
                In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, now more than ever, we need
             to learn the choices fear offers to us in all areas of our lives. Bad fear
             does not travel alone; it has relatives: anxiety, sabotage, procrastination,
             phobias, and depression. It can lead to disconnected decisions which

             lead to disastrous consequences.
                Good fear, on the other hand, is a useful ally. It can focus us, keep
             us safe, even at times keep us alive. Good fear is instinctual and healthy
             and keeps us alert to trouble brewing. The fear of illness or injury can
             motivate us to stop smoking, to exercise, and to eat healthier foods. The
             fear of going to a job you dread, a job that is making you ill and having
             a detrimental effect on your home life, can motivate you to finally start

             something new.
                It’s time to look at fear in a new way!


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