Page 25 - Nailah G Beraki-Pierre_Fear Is a Good Thing_v1_Neat
P. 25


                     Are You Afraid or Scared?

                 Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
                                                        — Jack Canfield

             The words scared and afraid both deal with fear, but afraid has mean-
             ings that scared does not share. Being afraid means feeling fear or appre-
             hension, while being scared means being in a state of fear, nervousness,
             or panic. In some cases, being afraid or scared are interchangeable on
             an emotional level.
                Fear is emotion that is triggered in response to a thing or a situa-
             tion perceived as a threat to life, health, or anything that is considered

             valuable. It can also cause a freeze response. Any perceived threat or
             confrontation, fears, is an emotion that is developed through develop-
             mental stages of learning cognition.
                Scared is an objective word. It could be defined as being afraid,
             being frightened. And it could throw you into a state of fear. You could
             become nervous or even panicked, unable to act out against the cause
             of fear.

                Being scared can become a way of being; it’s the opposite of some-
             one who is confident and open to the challenges of life.


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