Page 15 - Intl. Review (Draft 1.3)
P. 15
the need for individual banks to Debt Recovery Tribunals, to the
pull their weight and their socks Lok Adalats, from the SARFAESI
up by the scruff, and strategize Act to the innumerable rounds
capital provisions in a crucially of debt restructuring. Volley af-
executable manner (though RBI ter volley of minor nudges and
backhanded that threat with levees in the face of a grow-
their comforting belief that SCBs ing mountain of trouble. Finally
as a whole had enough capital forcing the need for an entire
to sail through). rework of the bankruptcy mech-
So, all in all, the entire anism, almost from the ground
hubbub fizzled into being yet up. The product of which was
another illustration of the gran- the much-celebrated Insolvency
diloquent legend of the invisible and Bankruptcy Code (IPC) of
hand balancing the forces of or- early 2016.
der & disorder in counter-acting All of these moves were, in
balance. However, a momentary theory, diversely varied to cover
breakthrough in a sea of a de- nearly all segments of the debt
cade-long skirmish should not insolvency cycle, but in prac-
be time for a breather, or worser tice, moot. As the crescendoing
yet, holidaying. critical mass of the mounting
Rather, it’s a strikingly op- menace kept trapezing through
portune moment ripe for poli- its monstrous climb. And at the
cy discussion for the long-term heart of it all? Were the twins.
sustainable curtailment of this
moat-gator of a pickle. Afterall, 2.1 Eruptive Brotherhood: Evil
this was far from a first rodeo Twining of the Twin Balance
for the banking system brush- Sheets.
ing against the Blackbox that To illustrate, let’s begin
this NPA rabbit hole can be, and with the metaphor of a winner’s
has become. As far back as the curse, it is a staple term in auc-
cious in the sea of open waters. days of ’91 at the inception of tion houses, it’s when the win-
In fact, GNPAs were also down economic liberalizing when the ning bidder woefully overbids
190 bips in FY2019 - from a 11.2% NEP was soaking the deficit spill the actual fair price of the item,
high - all the way down to 9.3%. of an economy spiralling regres- bleeding himself dry making a
With further improvements in sively in regression with decades loss in the process of “winning”
capital to risk-weighted assets of delinquently decadent doc- the bid. The “Twin Balance Sheet
ratios (CRARs) and overall provi- trines. Back then is when the first (TBS)” problem is an economic
sion coverage ratio (PCR) firmly NPA tryst puffed its wings in the behemoth rather akin to such a
laying the case for uncanny op- white papers of the Narasimhan nutshell analogy. TBS is when an
timism. Committee. As it lay the guiding economy faces a double wham-
principles of dealing with the my of leveraging stress on both
1.1 Saved by the bell? NPA riddle, and built the ground- the crediting banks’, as well as
Even so, the outlook stood work for settlement through As- the borrowing firms’ parts. It
far from being all sunshine and set Reconstruction Companies takes form during booming pe-
rainbows. A stress-tested sim- (ARCs). Ever since that marked riods of the economic cycle
ulation lay claims of a peaking day, NPAs have been an identi- where optimistic extrapolation
GNPA all the way to a 13.5% hike, fiable yet perpetual headache. sails growing firms into overly
with fringe prospects of touch- giddy debt financing waters that
ing base with 14.8% too, all in 2. BACKGROUND leave them overextended by a
time for fall 2021 by September. The bureaucratic outreach long stretch, facing a tall order
At the face of it, these numbers into the belly of the beast has of jeopardized stakes of missing
should be sending shockwaves been an anticlimactic, albeit as- exorbitant interest payments at
of austerity for regulatory ac- siduously active, story. From the the slightest of forecasted fluc-
tion. And indeed, RBI does stress
Volume #01 14