Page 18 - Intl. Review (Draft 1.3)
P. 18


        were mounting all the way even  uation in filed cases in FY/2015,       ment, 2001
        in the 80s & the 90s (being a  only about Rs. 32,237 crores                  A further simplified  and
        contributing factor in the severe  were disposed of. Followed by        specialized legal framework
        crunch of ’91, though far from a  Rs. 88,974 crore worth of cases       for dealing with cases below 10
        definitive one). In their present  in FY16 of which only, again, only   crores, but again right back to
        state, DRTs (and DRATs, Debt Re- Rs. 31,215 crores of cases were        DRTs only, which as discussed,
        covery Appellate Tribunals) take  disposed of. Unable to cope up        had serious frailties.
        on  cases  with  disputed  loan  with the full onslaught of incom-
        amounts crossing the pecuniary  ing cases by hardly a third, in-             “The history of ARCs
        limit of a 20-lakh threshold from  creasing the discrete number of         meanwhile, can only be
        2018 onwards (up from 10 lakhs  DRTs also provided barely mak-              described as rocky at
        previously).                        ing any further inroads.                 best, cyclical in their
              Furthermore, the Securiti-          They were further ineffec-       progression with an ear-
        zation and Reconstruction of Fi- tive in dealing with stalling tac-        ly 2010s boom barrelling
        nancial Assets and Enforcement  tics or even the legal complex-              into 2015 regulation
        of Security Interest Act (SARFAE- ities of dealing with extended           slowing down NPA con-
        SI, two syllables only) covered  cases of fraud and misrepresen-              version for good”.
        later on in this report, also flows  tation, aspects all to prevalent
        into this platform. The DRT struc- in debt non-repayment cases.              D. SARFAESI Act, 2002
        ture usually consists of a “Presid- All these chinks in their armor          A landmark instrument.
        ing Officer” appointed straight  culminated in the passover of          SARFAESI aimed to revolutionize
        by the central govt. Which makes  outstanding litigation over to the    the debt resolution system, and
        their judgements via “Order and  freshly formed Direct Tax Vivaad       it did so, in two dimensions.
        Recovery  Certificates”  specify- se Vishwas Bill, of early 2020.            First was through the en-
        ing the owed amount and pass-             Another martyr in the hall    ablement of the creditor to
        ing it on the recovery officers to  of infamy of a struggling judicia-  rightfully confiscate in usurpa-
        follow their protocols.             ry.                                 tion of the security asset of the
              Fraught with bureaucrat-                                          delinquent borrower, auctioning
        ic  extensions,  the  DRTs  needed        B. Lok Adalats                it off even before judicial ap-
        reinforcement  time and time              These “People’s Courts”       proaches.  Followed  by  the  his-
        again. The SARFAESI Act dealt  function at a pre-litigation lev-        torical establishment of the very
        with  liquidity  problems  by  en- el on a panchayati level, settling   first Asset Reconstruction Com-
        abling the creditor the right to  remote cases of debt recov-           pany (ARC) of India, namely, AR-
        take  control  of  secured  assets  ery with a broad prerogative to     CIL.
        before turning towards the judi- deal with cases at their volition           ARCs as is widely under-
        ciary. And the IBC of 2016 gave  with a fully legally-binding force.    stood, are in the business of
        further prerogative and muscle  Though an effective mechanism           buying up bad loans. They are
        to swing in bankruptcy cases as  in  rural  jurisdictions,  still,  Lok   specialists  in  handling  the  bid-
        well  as  unlimited  liability  part- Adalats are simply too wide for   ding of undercut “fair” prices at
        nerships’ equations. Even so, like  their own good, overly broad in     an arm’s length for recovered
        with every other cog of the ju- their agenda with the responsi-         security assets as well as secu-
        diciary machine, DRTs too were  bility to handle cases as far and       ritizations which are then repur-
        simply overburdened with logis- wide  as  an  matrimonial,  fami-       posed and sold off for profit in a
        tical and manpower terms, with  ly law and even criminal cases;         bid to recover the sunk amount,
        exactly just 39 present-day DRTs  functioning as alternate dispute      and then some. Even assets like
        in operation, as well as exact- settlement platforms. Too wide          land  &  building  aren’t  beyond
        ly 5 DRATs. Making  urban DRTs  to have any teeth in extensive          the ARC gamut.
        fast overfilling through the brim,  cases of debt settlement of any          The history of ARCs mean-
        dragging their success rates  significant  prominence,  which           while, can only be described as
        through the mud. Failed statis- then get elevated to the packed         rocky at best, cyclical in their
        tics then pop up illustrating the  courts anyhow.                       progression with an early 2010s
        full breadth of failures, with Rs.                                      boom barrelling into 2015 reg-
        93,477 crores of total debt-val-          C.  Compromise  Settle-       ulation slowing down NPA con-

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