Page 162 - Micronesia
P. 162

significant portion of the Japanese     craft. The consequences of the attack made    II by the United States Navy against the
                                              Truk lagoon the biggest graveyard of ships    Japanese naval and air base at Truk in the
A fleet was based at Truk, with its admin-    in the world.                                 Caroline Islands, a pre-war Japanese terri-
                                                                                            tory. The atoll was the only major Japanese
istrative center on Tonoas (south of Weno).   T he attacks for the most part ended Truk     airbase within range of the Marshall Islands
At anchor in the lagoon were the Imperial           as a major threat to Allied operations  and was a significant source of support for
Japanese Navy’s battleships, aircraft car-    in the central Pacific. The Japanese gar-     Japanese garrisons located on islands and
riers, cruisers, destroyers, tankers, cargo   rison on Eniwetok was denied any realistic    atolls throughout the central and south
ships, tugboats, gunboats, minesweepers,      hope of reinforcement and support during      Pacific. The base was the key logistical
landing craft, and submarines. Some have      the invasion that began on February 18,       and operational hub supporting Japan’s
described Truk as Japan’s equivalent of       1944, greatly assisting U.S. forces in their  perimeter defenses in the central and south
the Americans’ Pearl Harbor. In 1944, Truk    conquest of that island. Truk was isolated    Pacific.
was devastated in one of the important        by Allied (primarily U.S.) forces as they
naval attacks of the war. Forewarned by       continued their advance towards Japan         T o ensure air and naval superiority for
intelligence a week before the US raid, the   by invading other Pacific islands such as          the upcoming invasion of Eniwetok Ad-
Japanese had withdrawn their larger war-      Guam, Saipan, Palau, and Iwo Jima. Cut        miral Raymond Spruance ordered an attack
ships (heavy cruisers and larger vessels) to  off, the Japanese forces on Truk and other    on Truk. Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher’s
Palau. Once the American forces captured      central Pacific islands ran low on food and   Task Force 58 had five fleet carriers (USS
the Marshall Islands, they used them as a     faced starvation before Japan surrendered     Enterprise, USS Yorktown, USS Essex, USS
base from which to launch an early morn-      in August 1945.                               Intrepid, and USS Bunker Hill) and four light
ing attack on February 17, 1944 against                                                     carriers (USS Belleau Wood, USS Cabot, USS
Truk Lagoon. Operation Hailstone lasted       O peration Hailstone was a massive            Monterey, and USS Cowpens), embarking
for three days, as American carrier-based            naval air and surface attack launched  more than 500 planes.
planes sank twelve warships (light cruisers,  on February 16–17, 1944, during World War
destroyers, and auxiliaries) and thirty-two
merchant ships, while destroying 275 air-
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