Page 167 - Micronesia
P. 167

alling Truk the Gibraltar of the Pa-    fallen to American forces early in February,      vast improvement over the older Grumman
                                              she feared that the U.S. Navy was in a posi-      F4F Wildcats. As the first rays of the rising sun
C cific was no exaggeration. It seemed        tion to launch a strike at Truk, a thousand       reached Truk, the U.S. Hellcats swept down
                                              miles to the west. With U.S. air superiority      on the islands of the atoll. Japanese planes
impregnable. American sailors spoke of it in  now a reality, Japan ordered the bulk of the      already aloft were blown out of the sky by
awe-struck tones. Intelligent officers tried  Combined Fleet out of Truk Lagoon on 10           the twos and threes.
to get them to pronounce it “trook” (rhymes   February. A dozen cruisers and destroyers
with spook), which was closer to the native   remained behind but other cruisers and            W ave after wave of American planes —
pronunciation, but Navy pilots looked at      destroyers and, most importantly, the car-                 Hellcat fighters, TBF Avenger torpedo
the name on maps and called it “truck,” and   riers and battleships, sailed for Palau. The      bombers, and Dauntless dive bombers —
truck it became. Whatever the pronuncia-      lagoon was still packed with merchant and         continued to strike Truk throughout the
tion, Truk would be a tough nut to crack.     troop ships, all critical to Japan’s war effort.  day. The American fighter pilots, flying the
Assigned to crack that nut was Task Force     The airfields and all other ground installa-      Hellcat, proved more than a match for the
58, commanded by Adm. Marc Mitscher. The      tions on the islands in the lagoon were put       Japanese fighter pilots and their vaunted
force included five fleet carriers — Enter-   on high alert.                                    Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero. By the end of the
prise, Yorktown, Essex, Intrepid, and Bunker                                                    day, Hellcat fighter pilots had shot 124 Jap-
Hill — and four light carriers. There were    A dmiral Mitscher’s Task Force 58 reached         anese planes out of the sky and destroyed
also enough battleships, cruisers, destroy-          the launch point, about 90 miles east of   that many again on the ground. Dauntless
ers, and submarines to push the total of      Truk, two hours before dawn on the morning        dive bomber and Avenger torpedo bomber
ships involved to more than 60. However,      of 17 February. Streaking into the sky were       pilots had put dozens of Japanese ships on
it would be Navy pilots who would actually    72 Grumman F6F Hellcats, the Navy’s new           the bottom.
hit Truk. The American pilots had no way of   fighters, which had first seen action against
knowing that the Japanese were even more      the Japanese in September 1943 and were a
apprehensive. When Japan got word that
Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands had
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