Page 168 - Micronesia
P. 168

uring the night, Mitscher sent radar-  or heavily damaged. Thousands of Japanese      with a fighter sweep early in the morning
                                              had been killed by American bullets or         of 29 April. It went much like the sweep
D equipped Avengers to pound Truk. At         bombs, or had been swallowed by the sea.       on 17 February, but the Japanese were not
                                              The air raid on Truk rendered the Gibraltar    able to get near the number of their aircraft
the same time, eight of Mitscher’s warships   of the Pacific impotent, allowing the United   into the air this second time. Then came the
circled the atoll to intercept enemy ships    States to safely bypass the once putatively    Dauntless dive bombers. There were few
attempting to escape the carnage in the       impregnable base on the way to Tokyo.          ships in the lagoon to attack, but plenty of
lagoon. With daylight the next morning                                                       installations on land, including tank farms
came more American fighter and bomber         H owever, the U.S. Navy wasn’t quite           with their precious supplies of oil and gas.
sweeps. By noon there were few targets               done with Truk. When reconnaissance     The raids were renewed the next day and
left to hit. Sitting on the bottom of the     flights during late April 1944 discovered      continued until the early afternoon when
lagoon were 13 Japanese warships and          that the Japanese were not only busy           Mitscher decided that there were no longer
32 merchant ships. Another two Japanese       rebuilding air and naval installations on the  enough targets left to put pilots at risk in
warships, a cruiser and a destroyer, were on  islands in the lagoon but had also moved       another strike. All the objectives of the mis-
the ocean floor just outside the entrance to  100 planes from Rabaul to Truk, a second       sion had been achieved.
the lagoon. Some 275 Japanese planes had      strike was planned. The second strike began
been destroyed. Every Japanese facility on
every island in the atoll had been destroyed
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