Page 171 - Micronesia
P. 171

Chuuk Lagoon and its Unparalled Wreck Diving

I In 1969, French oceanographer Jacques    ships. The shipwrecks and remains are        ocean currents, divers can easily swim
  Cousteau and his team explored Truk      sometimes referred to as the “Ghost Fleet    across decks littered with gas masks and
Lagoon. Following Cousteau’s 1971 televi-  of Truk Lagoon”. Scattered mainly around     depth charges and below deck can be
sion documentary about the lagoon and      the Dublon, Eten, Fefan and Uman islands     found evidence of human remains.
its ghostly remains, the place became a    within the Truk group, a number of the
scuba diving paradise, drawing wreck div-  shipwrecks lie in crystal clear waters less
ing enthusiasts from around the world to   than fifteen meters (approx. 50 feet) below
see its numerous, virtually intact sunken  the surface. In waters devoid of normal
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