Page 174 - Micronesia
P. 174
FRANKO MAPS DESCRIPTIONS – SIDE ONE TOP HALF YAMAGIRI MARU 436’ (133m), 6,438-ton Passenger-Cargo Ship
rests on her port side in the Repair Anchorages, where she was
OITE 338’ (103m), 1,520-ton Kamakaze Class Destroyer was undergoing repairs and nearly empty at the time of her de-
torpedoed midships and broken in two just south of North Pass. mise. Divers reach her starboard side at just 30’-50’ (9-15m) and
The forward half is upside-down and the depth-charged aft half can penetrate engine room and aft holds, where 35.6cm (14”)
is right side-up in 202’ (61m) of water. To dive this wreckage is shells use by second-line Japanese Battleships are found, plus a
very demanding and no penetrations are available. There is a steamroller, construction equipment, and a propeller. Since she
large hole cut into the hull where the remains of the crew plus is shallow her marine growth is astounding. She is almost intact
the crew of the Agano, which Oite had previously rescued, were from bow to stern.
FUMITZUKI 338’ (103m), 1,193-ton Destroyer, with the Destroyer
I-169 SUBMARINE 344’ (105m), 1,400-ton I 168 Class Kaidai 6A Oite, is the only actual warship sunk in Chuuk Lagoon. Although
Cruiser-Submarine was sunk while fleeing submerged. Sitting she was under repair and not seaworthy, she hurriedly pulled out
upright at 144’ (44m), the crew perished when she could not of Repair Anchorages to escape the day raid, only to succumb to
be raised. The Japanese then depth charged the subs sail and the night raid by USS Enterprise’s Avengers. She lists to port at
forward part, leaving it a scattered wreck, but the aft part was 125’ (38m), with her deck at 100’ (30m). She is all bent, dished,
untouched. Divers in the 1960’s found the remains of the crew, wrinkled and broken, and presents no penetration opportunity
which were removed and cremated. Corrosion and damage is for divers. Externally divers see her guns, torpedo launchers,
extensive, so there are no dive penetrations. Depth makes this a depth charge throwers, propellers and rudder, and an encrusta-
technical dive. tion of wonderful corals and sponges, and lots of fish.