Page 202 - Micronesia
P. 202

hese shallower wrecks are directly in the path of warm coral-      is one of the best wrecks in Chuuk in terms of the well-preserved
                                                                         large war relics on its deck and in its holds. Tanks rest on the main
T larvae-bearing and plankton-rich currents and have their masts,        deck at the forward part of the ship—one on the port side and two
                                                                         to starboard. The forward hold contains mines. LENGTH: 385 Ft. /
derricks, funnels, railings, and deck guns, in particular, adorned with  117m, DEPTH: Superstructure: 150 Ft./45.7m, DEPTH: Deck: 165
soft and hard corals, sponges, gorgonians, and fluted oysters. They      Ft./50m, Bottom: 205 Ft./63m. Gross Tonnage: 5,831 tons.
have become a haven of life on an otherwise barren seabed. Swarms
of small reef fishes and sometimes pelagic species live in and around    H ELAN MARU - The Heian Maru was built in 1930 as a large
the wrecks. Deeper wrecks, little influenced by sunlight, have much             passenger cargo liner. Her maiden voyage was from Hong
less marine growth and the majority is in better structural shape        Kong to Seattle. While on a routine voyage in August 1941, she was
after more than a half-century of resting on the seabed than the         abruptly recalled to Japan. Upon her return, the Japanese Navy
shallower wrecks.                                                        converted the ship for use as a submarine tender. It is the largest
                                                                         ship in Truk Lagoon and was sunk on the second day of “Opera-
S AN FRANCISCO MARU - The San Francisco Maru was built in                tion Hailstone”. A torpedo struck her amidships and because of
     1919. When World War II began she was taken out of semi-            damage already sustained during the earlier raids, the Heian Maru
retirement by the Japanese Navy and pressed into service carrying        sank quickly. The Heian Maru lies on her port side. The cargo of the
military cargo. One of the San Francisco’s most striking features        Heian Maru contains many of the deadly efficient Japanese Long
is the three Japanese Type-95 light tanks that still remain on her       Lance Torpedoes, as well as submarine periscopes. Many artifacts
deck. The Type-95 tank was manned by a crew of three. It pos-            can be found throughout this wreck. This ship was made famous
sessed 1/2 inch armor. It weighed 7.5 tons and carried one 37            by Jacques Cousteau when his divers showed the ship’s English
MM main gun and 2-7MM machine guns. It was powered by a six              and Japanese names still intact and readable on the bow. The
cylinder air cooled diesel engine which could propel the tank up         Heian carried supplies for Japanese submarines, and periscopes
to 30 mph. During “Operation Hailstone”, the San Francisco Maru          line the upper passageway. LENGTH: 509 Ft. / 155m, DEPTH: Hull:
was damaged by dive bombers and photos show her stern on fire            40 Ft./12m, DEPTH: Bottom: 120 Ft./36m, Gross Tonnage: 11,614
before she finally sank. The San Francisco Maru was discovered in        tons.
1972. The wreck sits upright. The cargo holds contain sea mines,
torpedoes, bombs, artillery, aircraft engines, anti-tank and small
arms munitions, and many other artifacts. The San Francisco Maru
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