Page 206 - Micronesia
P. 206

uge anemones support generations of clownfish and with          including ammunition, aerial bombs, mines and her own shells. A
                                                                       large anti-aircraft gun is located on top of the aft deckhouse. The
H them are lots of tiny purple anemone shrimps that jump and           explosion that destroyed the Aikoku Maru was so violent it also
                                                                       destroyed the attacking U.S. Navy aircraft. LENGTH: 498 Ft. / 151m,
dance around in the current. Amid the tropical fish there are lots     DEPTH: Superstructure: 130 Ft./40m, DEPTH: Deck: 160 Ft./49m,
of cleaner wrasse – always a good indicator that larger fish are       DEPTH: Bottom: 210 Ft./64m, Gross Tonnage: 10,437 tons.
around. There is a huge mast, in the midst of the vessel, which
rises from the deck to around 5 meters from the surface. This          S ANKISAN MARU - The Sankisan Maru was built in 1942 as a
makes for a great end to the dive; as you ascend around the huge            passenger transport. The Japanese Navy acquired control of
cross-shaped pole, the life intensifies in color and compactness.      her in October 1943 and converted the ship to a military transport
All the way up to your safety or deco stop this wreck entertains       for use in moving special cargo. Her sunken cargo contains aircraft
and amazes you all the way.                                            engines, medical supplies, and several trucks. This is a popular
                                                                       dive and is frequently visited. Her deck has large anemones and
G OSEI MARU - The Goosey Maru was built in 1937 as a coastal           her masts contain heavy growth of soft coral. The Sankisan Maru
       freighter. The Japanese Navy acquired the ship and utilized it  is one of the most interesting wrecks in Truk Lagoon. The entire
as a supply ship for Sixth Fleet submarines. She carried torpedoes     aft section of the ship is completely gone and it is thought that
and depth charges. In 1976 many of her torpedoes were de-              a bomb explosion in the ammunition laden aft hold, led to her
stroyed to eliminate possibility of detonation. During “Operation      sinking. The first hold still stores scores of bullets. The ammo lies
Hailstone”, Goosey Maru was sunk by a torpedo. She now lies on a       in heaps, boxes and spread out in clips. Some boxes also hold
slope. The depth ranges from 8 feet at the stern to 100 feet at the    detonator caps. The ammo was in boxes, but fierce typhoon waves
bow. The rudder and propeller of the Goosey Maru make for excel-       shook the ship a few years ago, collapsing the fragile wooden
lent photographic subjects. LENGTH: 269 Ft. / 82m. DEPTH: Hull: 8      boxes and damaging some of the coral and structures around
Ft./2.4m, DEPTH: Bottom: 100 Ft./31m, Gross Tonnage: 1,931 tons.       the bow deck. LENGTH: 367 Ft. / 112m, DEPTH: Deck: 50 Ft./15 m,
                                                                       DEPTH: Bottom: 80 Ft./24m, Gross Tonnage: 4,776 tons.
A IKOKU MARU - The Aikoku Maru functioned as a submarine
       tender, cargo and troop transport ship. On the day of the at-
tack, she was carrying various high explosives in her forward holds
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