Page 317 - Micronesia
P. 317
Your film will massively improve
3DAVI is highly dependent on Adobe Pre- We will take you through step by step
miere Pro (film editing), NewBlurFX Titiler 26 different subjects to turn dull and
Pro 3 (2D and 3D stereoscopic titling program), washed out film into brilliant colors and to
and the TRULY AMAZING underwater film make a movie. We show you how to use Boris
enhancement tools of BorisFX. We use Vision III Continuum Complete, Gen Arts Edge, Tiffen Dfx,
Imaging Inc.’s plugin for Premiere Pro for 3D film and Vision III Imaging Inc. S3D Plugin for Adobe
editing. The Guide to Underwater Filming in 2D Premiere Pro in an understandable way to get
and 3D and Post Production Processing (“the YOUR footage looking like the Pros.The tools we
Guide”) is a practical combination of a down- use are readily available for (i) Premier Pro CC,
loadable Flipbook with 26 streaming tutorials (ii) Avid Media Composer, (iii) Sony Vegas Pro
to provide techniques and procedures of how and (iv) Final Cut Pro. We highly recommend you
to film underwater, what equipment to use, view Video Lesson 5 to see how we use tools to
and the post production tools we use to get the bring the bright colors and “magic” to the film
brilliant colors to come back. The video tutori- is easy to use and understandable way. You will
als step you through easy to use and affordable be surprised at how easy it is to properly bring
post production tools all the way through burn- the true tone of the coral reef to life. After you
ing a 2D/3D Blu-ray; creation of artwork; and watch the free tutorials you will want to see all of
even a movie poster. At the end of the tutorials video tutorials. The 350 page PDF and the video
you will sit back and think, “SO THAT IS HOW tutorials work in tandem to get you up to speed
THEY DO IT”. quickly and efficiently. There is nothing like this
product available on the market today.