Page 318 - Micronesia
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ean Homayouni, the author of “The Guide to Underwater Filming in  11. Color correct you coral separately from your water by the use of
                                                                         color mattes
D2D and 3D and Post Production Processing” and the President of 3D       12. Contrast and what settings to use
                                                                         13. BCC Magic Sharpen – I want sharp film and so will you
Action Video Inc., conducts the video tutorial lessons. Mr. Homayouni    14. How to get great photos directly from your film
steps you through the 86 page Power Point slide show, video tutorials    15. Camcorders and Housings
and gives real life scenarios of what works and does not work. Learn     16. Computers and the horsepower you need
from the expert who will step you through the 20 Rules of Underwater     17. So you want to shoot in 3D (and so do I!!!)
Filming, how to use colorization mattes, de-nosie your footage, color    18. The world of 3D
balancing, the use of Hue Saturation Lightness, Videoscope and how to    19. Premiere Pro and the S3D plug-in from Vision III Imaging Inc. Forget
Stabilize your film.                                                     the GoPro solution.
                                                                         20. I am a PC. I am a MAC. We do not care. The applications run cross
TOPICS COVERED                                                           platform.
                                                                         21. Making a Blu-ray with professional looking menus made easy
1. Issues and challenges of shooting underwater                          22. Using Adobe After Effects for movie introductions and where to get
2. Shooting Angles and the Use of Water                                  the templates
3. Infinity space and the use of water                                   23. Use you photos collecting dust and make a supplemental chapter
4. Use of a tripod and camera positioning                                24. How to Make a Movie Poster for less than $30
5. Image stabilization made easy                                         25. How to Do a Quick 2D to 3D Conversion and When to Use
6. Auto Levels                                                           26. Quickly Make Blu-Ray Artwork and Wrappers
7. Color balancing                                                       27. Additional Resources and Training Materials
8. Underwater Image restoration using the great tools from BorisFX
9. De-noising water and the use of color mattes made easy and under-
10. Water colorization and the use of colorization mattes made easy
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