Page 323 - Micronesia
P. 323
ivers must understand the physiologi- descend to their maximum planned depth, feeling. These symptoms subside when the
and then ascend to progressively shallower diver ascends to a shallower depth.
D cal challenges, namely nitrogen narco-
sis and an increased risk of decompression depths as they explore the wall. Those div-
sickness, associated with deeper diving. ing from an anchored boat often dive at S urface signaling device is a good safety
one depth during the against-the-current accessory for wall divers. When drift
S ince the majority of walls are effec- leg and ascend to a shallower depth for the diving along the wall, the boat follows the
tively bottomless and the water often return leg. Having something to explore at bubbles and picks the divers up as they
gin-clear, it is easy for a diver to descend any depth is one of the attractions of wall surface. The combination of divers surfac-
beyond the planned maximum depth, even diving — you can begin ascending from ing at different times and places, changing
beyond the sport-diving limit: 130 feet or your maximum depth and still have plenty currents and choppy surface conditions can
40 m. That is one obvious reason why buoy- of diving left before reaching the top of cause the boat crew to lose track of your
ancy control is a critical skill for wall divers. the wall. Since wall diving often involves whereabouts. You may surface and find
Because a diver becomes more negatively diving deep, wall divers should watch for the boat far away and the crew not looking
buoyant as he descends, it is important the onset of nitrogen narcosis, a physi- in your direction. In this case an audible,
that he add air to his buoyancy compen- ological condition that occurs when the inflatable or reflective surface signaling
sator as he goes deeper on the wall. This nervous system is exposed to increased device, or better yet all three, will come in
slows the rate of descent and makes it nitrogen pressure. Nitrogen narcosis usu- handy.
easier to establish neutral buoyancy upon ally occurs at depths of 100 feet (30 m) but THe Red Sea features dive sites as deep as
reaching the desired diving depth. some divers may begin to feel its effects at 4,000 feet. Many of the availabe dives are
shallower depths. irankedconsistently ranked as one of the world’s
R egardless of the environment you dive, top wall dives in the world.
the deepest part of your dive profile S ymptoms include lightheadedness, eu-
should be done first. Wall divers generally phoria, mental confusion or a “drunken”