Page 326 - Micronesia
P. 326
owever in 1874, an enterprising Irish ing marriages, transfers of land title, or as men’s houses that women are allowed to
compensation for damages suffered by an enter, however people must always ask for
H Sea captain named David O’Keefe hit aggrieved party. permission.
upon the idea of employing the Yapese T here are three types of traditional Y apese belongs to the Austronesian lan-
to import more “money” in the form of buildings on Yap. The “tabnuw” is a guages, more specifically to the Oce-
shiploads of large stones, also from Palau. family house and has a roof made of woven anic languages. Yap was initially settled by
O’Keefe then traded these stones with the thatch (dried palm fronds). Inside, there is ancient migrants from the Malay Peninsula,
Yapese for other commodities such as sea one open room with no lavatory. Kitchens the Indonesian Archipelago, New Guinea,
cucumbers and copra. The 1954 movie are separate structures outside the family and the Solomon Islands. The people of
His Majesty O’Keefe cast Burt Lancaster in houses. The “faluw” is the “men’s house”. Yap’s outer islands are descendants of Poly-
the captain’s role. Although some of the Prior to World War I, women had been kid- nesian settlers, and as such have significant
O’Keefe stones are larger than the canoe- napped and taken to the faluw. Today this ethnic dissimilarities from the people of
transported stones, they are less valuable practice no longer occurs. Women consid- Yap proper. Their culture and languages
than the earlier stones due to the compara- ered it an honor to be chosen for the faluw, are closely related to those of the neigh-
tive ease with which they were obtained. because only the most beautiful women boring islands of Chuuk. The Yapese and
As no more disks are being produced or would be taken there. Such a woman was outer island Yapese were some of the most
imported, this money supply is fixed. The called the “mispil” (resident female) of the renowned navigators in the Pacific. Yapese
islanders know who owns which piece but faluw. As the island’s culture was more and sailors travelled phenomenal distances
do not necessarily move them when owner- more influenced by the rest of the world’s in outrigger canoes, without the aid of a
ship changes. Their size and weight (the views on prostitution, this practice ended. compass, navigating by the stars and the
largest ones require 20 adult men to carry) Largest of the three types is the “pebay”, a patterns of ocean waves using techniques
make them very difficult to move around. place for the community to come together of Micronesian and Polynesian navigation.
Although today the United States dollar is for school, dances or meetings. As with all
the currency used for everyday transactions structures on Yap, it is necessary to obtain
in Yap, the stone disks are still used for permission before entering. There are a few
more traditional or ceremonial exchange.
The stone disks may change ownership dur-