Page 432 - Micronesia
P. 432
Rota Guide Map
Rota (Chamorro: Luta) also known as the “Peaceful Island”, is the The Japanese garrison during World War II consisted of 1,031 Im-
southernmost island of the United States Commonwealth of the perial Japanese Army men of the 10th Independent Mixed Brigade,
Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) and the second southernmost of under the command of Major Shigeo Imagawa, and about 600 Impe-
the Marianas Archipelago. It lies approximately 40 nautical miles (74 rial Japanese Navy men. During the final stages of the war, Rota was
km) north-northeast of the United States territory of Guam. Rota is occasionally bombed by aircraft of the U.S. Navy in an attempt to si-
12.3 miles (19.8 km) long and 4.2 mi (6.8 km) wide.[1] Its coastline lence its radio transmitter that was providing warning to the Japanese
is about 38 mi (61 km) long. The highest point on Rota is Mt. Mani- home islands upon the take-off of B-29 Superfortress bomber attacks
ra which is 495 meters (1,624 ft). Rota is 47 nmi (87 km) north of from Tinian, Saipan, and Guam, but the island was never invaded by
Guam, 63 nmi (117 km) south of Tinian and 73 nmi (135 km) south American troops. On September 2, 1945, one hour after the surren-
of Saipan. der of Japan, a detachment of U.S. Marines arrived on Rota to accept
In 1521, the first European to see Rota was the lookout on Ferdinand the surrender of the Japanese garrison, which numbered 947 Imperial
Magellan’s ship Victoria, Lope Navarro. However, Magellan’s armada Japanese Army and 1853 Imperial Japanese Navy. After the end of
of three ships did not stop until they reached Guam, so the first Euro- World War II, Rota became part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific
pean to arrive in Rota (in 1524), was the Spanish navigator Juan Se- Islands. Since 1978, the island has been a part of the Commonwealth
bastián Elcano, who annexed it together with the rest of the Mariana of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Islands on behalf of the Spanish Empire. People: The indigenous people of Rota are called Chamorro. They are
As with the other islands of the northern Marianas, Rota was sold to friendly and it is customary to treat visitors with respect and wave in
the German Empire under the German–Spanish Treaty of 1899. In greeting when meeting or passing in the road.
World War I, the islands were occupied by the Japanese Empire. In Things to do: Scuba diving, fishing, coconut crab hunting, lobster
1919, the League of Nations formally recognized Japanese control un- hunting, star gazing, kayaking, hiking, golfing, snorkeling tours and
der the South Pacific Mandate. However, development of Rota lagged self guided island tours.
behind that of neighboring Tinian and Saipan, with only 1000 Japa-
nese residents arriving by the end of December 1935, most of them
employed in raising sugar cane and in sugar refining. The refinery was
not economical, and it was closed three years later.