Page 433 - Micronesia
P. 433

Sights to see: Bird Sanctuary, Honey Garden, Fisherman Cliff, An-        The international airlines listed here offer connecting flights to vir-
cient Chamorro Village, The Trench Cave Museum, the Swimming             tually all major cities world-wide. Domestic commuters are run by
Hole, Japanese Peace Memorial, Teteto Beach Park, Taisacana’s bo-        Cape Air, Freedom Air, and STAR Marianas Air. For car rental, a
tanical and Nature Trail, Stone Quarry, Rota Resort & Country Club       U.S. driver’s license can be used; foreign visitors can use their home
organic farm, Japanese Cannon, Wedding Cake Mountian, Old Japa-          country licenses for up to 1 month. Shuttle buses are available from
nese Sugar Mill, Tweksberry Beach Park, Songsong Village andTonga        most hotels. Taxis are available, and many hotels offer airport pick-up
Cave.                                                                    and drop-off.

Visa and Entry Formalities - Entry requirements for the U.S. Com-        Dive sites: Shoun Maru, Coral Garden, Senhanon Cave/ Rota Blue
monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) are the same            Hole, Table Top, Cable Run, A-Frame, East Harbor, Fireworks, French
as for any U.S. destination. The U.S. Visa Waiver Program applies.       Tunnel, Harnom Point, Hobbit House, Jerry’s Reef, Joanne’s Reef,
For further details, visit In addition, a special  Liyang Rai, Pearlman Tunnel, Pinatang Park, Pona Point, Sailigai
Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program allows visa-free entry from ad-            Tunnel, Sailigai Arch, Senhanom Wall, Smuggler Ship, Screws, Snake
ditional countries: Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong (HK Special Ad-         Eyes, Sub Chaser#1, Sub Chaser #2, Songton Reef, Takatoshi Point
ministrative Region [SAR] passport or HK Identification card is re-      and Turtle Ridge.
quired), Japan, Malaysia, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea,          DIVE SITES MARKED ON THE MAP OF ROTA
Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, United Kingdom. Under the          Pona Point. 30-100+ feet. Advanced. A short wall dive. Sea fans, cri-
Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program, travelers from these countries,           noids, clownfish, lionfish, pillow starfish and other wall life contrast
for a maximum of 45 days, seeking admission to the CNMI must pos-        with pelagic fish. The currents on this dive can at times be like riding
sess a valid, unexpired machine-readable passport and must not have      a fast train or a roller-coaster.
previously violated the terms of any prior admission to the U.S. ESTA
is not a requirement for these travelers.

How to Get to Rota? International flights are provided by the follow-    Coral Garden - Novice to Intermediate. Depth: 15-60+ feet. An area
ing airlines:                                                            that contains a variety of coral formations. Here are many different
Delta Airlines (, From Japan – Tokyo/Narita                species of colorful tropical fish including garfish, octopus, Nudi-
Asiana Airlines (, From Korea – Incheon and Bu-        branchs, sharks, clown fish and turtles that are unafraid of intruding
san, From Japan – Osaka (seasonal basis)                                 divers. This is the first Marine Protected Area in the C.N.M.I and as
Cape Air (United Airlines Connection,, From              such the taking of game, either by hand or spear, or collecting shells
Guam - China is served on a regular charter basis from Shanghai,         or artifacts is prohibited.
Guangzhou and Beijing.
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