Page 443 - Micronesia
P. 443
A common scenario is doing three to four a hookah, with a max depth of 5-10ft. Sub- so-called arms race began when Lawrence
45-minute dives per day. Even though mersible cages drop down to about 40ft. You Groth of Shark Diving International start-
you only see great white sharks, these trips enter on the surface, and the cage submerg- ed submersing cages to depths at which
are never boring. Almost all of the time white es with you in the cage. Some divers feel like the sharks lurk — about 50 feet — so he
sharks will be going by. Generally you will the sharks are more interested and curious wouldn’t have to rely on “chumming” them
see 1-3 sharks at any one time, and a total of about the submersible cages, when both to the surface with ground-up fish and blood
4-8 individuals over the course of a 3 or 4 day types of cages are in the water. Make sure (now illegal but still practiced by some).
trip. There are surface cages and submers- you check to see what your operator offers. Groth also built a submersible “cinema cage”
ible cages. Some operators only use surface that has no sides, affording film crews un-
cages. A surface cage is tied off to the boat, C age diving is relatively new to Guada- obstructed views but providing sharks
and floats on the surface. The cage is entered lupe Island but its evolution beyond with direct access to human flesh, if that’s
from the swimstep of the boat. You are on the traditional stern-attached surface cag- what they desire. Fortunately, they do not.
es, which still exist, has been swift. The