Page 445 - Micronesia
P. 445

he great white shark has multiple rows       huge size. Adults feed on California sea li-   white shark. Although the submersible cage
                                                  ons, harbor seals, and occasionally dolphins,  lowers to only 30’ below the surface of the
T of teeth. As the older teeth age and fall       whale carcasses and even on the carcasses of   water, it provides a completely different per-
                                                  other sharks. Despite world-wide attention     spective to your great white shark diving ex-
out, new teeth move in from behind. Like a        and negative publicity given to the white      perience. These spectacular dives are avail-
conveyor belt, the teeth grow from the in-        shark from media and movies, it is one of the  able to certified scuba divers only. A safety
ner surface of the shark’s jaw cartilage and      most misunderstood sharks in the ocean. Un-    diver escorts two divers at a time on these
are shed from the front row. The teeth of         fortunately, much of the population believes   20 minute high energy rides. We rotate all
the great white shark are serrated and can        they are man-eating, random killers lurking    certified divers who wish to experience the
be up to 3 inches long. It is common to see       the oceans for its next victim. The opportu-   submersible cage as many times as ocean
souvenir trinkets and tacky jewelry made          nity to see these magnificent creatures in     conditions will allow. The view offered by the
from the tooth of the great white shark.          the wild will give you a whole new outlook     submersible cage is a photographer’s dream
                                                  on what the great white shark is all about.    come true. You are actually surrounded on
T he shape and structure of the teeth is                                                         all sides by these magnificent creatures in
     different in various shark species. This is  S OLMAR V ALONG WITH GREAT WHITE               clear blue water. Both professional and ama-
due to variations in the animal’s diet. For the        ADVENTURES PIONEERED THE SUBMERS-         teur photographers rave about the differ-
great white shark the teeth are the perfect       IBLE CAGE EXPERIENCE AT GUADALUPE. The         ent angles available to capture the mighty
design to rip apart just about anything it        submersible cage allows you to descend         great white sharks of Guadalupe Island.
decides to attack. Smaller white sharks feed      a little further into the realm of the great
on bony fish, but as they get larger they will
require a lot more calories to maintain their
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