Page 84 - Micronesia
P. 84

DEVILFISH CITY A great place to see Manta Rays. Groups of             WEST CHANNEL This huge channel is used for shipping. Outside
thirty or forty at a time often show up, soaring over several         the mouth of the channel is a good, but rarely done night dive.
cleaning stations.                                                    Many invertebrates and shells can be found here, including the
                                                                      famous Golden Cowrie. Since reef sharks seldom see divers, they
NGARDMAU Thick coastal mangroves fringe the coast, and hills          may act territorial. The channel is seldom dived, because cur-
then rise to Palau’s highest elevation, Ngerechelushuus, and          rents are strong.
Palau’s greatest waterfall, Medalaiyechad. There is a life-saving
spring called Ikeam el Diong, discovered by an old, childless         KIBI MARU 75’-90’ (23m-27m) This 2759-ton, 321-foot Japanese
widow in distress and thirsty because no one would help her.          Army Cargo Ship capsized in the channel. Sometimes there are
This spring has provided fresh water to villagersduring times of      strong currents at this site.
                                                                      NGATPANG STATE Home to less than 200 people, this state has
NGAREMLENGUI STATE Palau’s longest river, Nermeskang, is              extensive mangroves, rivers, and waterfalls. This is a great place
found here. Also, Ngeremduu Bay is a breeding area for marine         to hike and kayak. Ngatpang also features ancient terraced hills,
life and is a protected zone. This state is famous for their sea cu-  stone monoliths and pathways, and two Japanese shrines. An-
cumber (cheremrum), a delicacy that Palauans very much enjoy          ciently this was the pottery-making center of Palau because of
eating.                                                               the presence of excellent natural clay.

CORSAIR FIGHTER This U.S. Navy F4U Single-Engine Fighter was          HELMET WRECK (DEPTH CHARGE WRECK) 40’-110’ (12m-33m)
ditched in the shallows by its pilot in 1944. The plane is missing    This unidentified 190’ (58m)
its tail section.
                                                                      Japanese Cargo Ship was sunk upright on a sandy slope with the
DESTROYER WAKATAKE 15’-95’ (5m-29m) This Imperial Japanese            bow at 50’ (15m) and the stern at 100’ (30m). Stacks of Japanese
Navy Destroyer was sunk upright, and is broken into two sec-          helmets found inside give the wreck its name, but there are also
tions. The water here is sometimes murky and can have strong          gas masks, ammunition clips, and an 80 mm deck gun at the
currents. Many fish live here.                                        stern. This wreck was discovered in 1989, and has since been a
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