Page 89 - Micronesia
P. 89
reverse. tion: Tide changes and weather can make surfacing in the right
place away from the reef more important, because dive boats
BLUE CORNER To 100’+ (30m) This famous and popular drift dive are unable to maneuver too close to the reef.
makes for an outstanding shark adventure for advanced divers.
You dive here ten times, and have ten different dive experiences. BIG DROP-OFF (NGEMELIS WALL) 5’-100’+ (1.5-30m+) Scuba
Schools of grey reef sharks are often seen, as well as numerous divers and snorkelers both enjoy this beautiful wall because it
reef fishes. Divers hang on in strong currents at specific loca- starts near the surface, then plunges straight into the deep. The
tions to watch the big fish action, which might include tuna, shallow reef extends all the way to the island. Ngemelis Wall is
marlin and Napoleon (humphead) wrasse. Along the wall there Palau’s original dive site. An old, very large golden sea fan juts
are large schools of Moorish idols. In calm nooks and crannies, straight out off the wall at 80’ (24m). At the northern end of the
divers encounter sleeping turtles and white-tip reef sharks. island where dive boats usually take an interval/lunch break,
Most dive operators target Blue Corner for their customers, be- there is a WWII American mooring chain and metal ball, encrust-
cause it is always great. ed with marine life.
VIRGIN BLUE HOLE To 100’+ (30m) This narrow hole goes NGEDEBUS WALL 40’-120’ (12m-36m) Steep sloping reef is noted
straight down from shoulder deep to 102’ (31m), then horizon- for one of the most amazing creatures in the whole ocean, the
tally through a subway tunnel to the wall, where you exit and cuttlefish. They get to about 2’ (60cm) long. Most commonly,
swim with the current either way, depending on the tide. The however, divers will find an array of colorful tropical fish, includ-
wall is simply magnificent, and usually features whitetip sharks, ing the comical clown triggerfish.
plus lionfish in nooks and crannies.
PELELIU WALL 20’-100’+ (6m-30m+) This drop-off starts at only
NEW DROP-OFF 10’-100’+ (3m-30m+) As the reef curves around 20’ (6m). The vertical wall is covered in colorful corals, including
the corner of the island, the nature of the drop-off changes as yellow soft corals. The wall is full of crevices making this a place
it gets full of nooks and crannies in cracks, crevices, and cuts. to see many small fishes. However, the current here is strong,
Divers see many butterflyfish and schools of snapper, plus a few even for expert drift divers.
turtles and sharks. Black coral trees protrude from the wall. Cau-