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P. 13

The Water Street Mission

                     (Jerry McAuley Launched New York‟s First Mission For Alcoholics)

                                                                                                              Jerry McAuley

                                                                                          The  McAuley  Mis-
                                                                                          sion  has  moved  sev-
                                                                                          eral times.  It is now
                                                                                          called   the   NEW
                                              This is a later reconstruction of the Water Street   YORK  CITY  RES-
                                              Mission,  still  at  316  Water  Street,  under  the   CUE MISSION.  It‟s
                This  is  the  original  mission    at   Brooklyn Bridge.   Pictured is a breadline for the   present location is 90
                316  Water  Street.    Started  by   immigrant poor.                      Lafayette   Square.
                Jerry  McAuley,  his  wife  and
                friends       during  October, 1872

                "Samuel Hopkins Hadley took over as Superintendent of the McAuley Rescue Mission
                at 316 Water Street in 1886. From that time until his death in 1906 he helped convert
                hundreds, if not thousands, of hopeless drunks. Sam's son, Henry Harrison Hadley II,

                named after Sam's brother Coronal Henry Harrison Hadley, would also sober up and be
                converted after his father's death. Harry Hadley would later collaborate with Sam Shoe-
                maker in opening the Calvary Mission  on 23rd Street in Manhattan and become its first
                superintendent.  At  The  Calvary  Mission  both  Ebby  Thacher  and  Bill  Wilson  would
                separately answer calls to come to the rail, kneel at the mercy seat, and experience the

                Power of conversion." - Excerpt from The Golden Road of Devotion

                                                                  This  57-bed  mission  provided  two
                                                                  meals  a  day  and  aided  more  than
                                                                  200,000 homeless in its ten years.
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