Page 14 - pre_aa_history_2012_Neat
P. 14
“Beneath The Brooklyn Bridge”
Ebby Thacher: “What a
Revoltin‟ Development!”
Just imagine! Ebby, who grew up
with a silver spoon in his mouth,
probably with servants, thank you;
whose brother, Jack Thacher, served
as Mayor of Albany, NY. (Jack
was in the running for NY Governor
when FDR became president in
1932). Poor Ebby, who just last
month was living in a large and
beautiful house in upscale Manches-
ter, VT, ends up in a joint such as
this. The picture below is not of the
Calvary Mission, where he actually
landed, but of a much earlier drying
out establishment from the 1800s –
perhaps the interior of McAuley‘s