Page 231 - Ocean City Edition Whole Book_Neat
P. 231

The Primary Purpose Group Big Book Study Guide

                                       THE FAMILY AFTERWARD
                                                        (Page 127)
                         1. What must the family realize?

                         2. For what should they be thankful?

                         3. What else should they do?

                         4. What should they remember?
                                5-a. If they can see the reality of things, they will not take what
                                        so seriously?
                                5-b. When will this change?
               Comment:  Again, it appears that the authors are reminding us of one of the
               promises of Step Ten.

               (P)       7. What should the head of the house remember?

                         8. What will he probably never be able to do?

                         9. What danger must he consider?

                       10. Even though financial recovery is progressing, what do we know?

                       11. For us, what must come first?

               (P)            12-a. What has suffered more than anything else?
                              12-b. What should the alcoholic do?
                       14. If he really wants to recover, what should he do?
                              15-a. We know that some alcoholics are faced with what?
                              15-b. But the alcoholic must remember what?

               (P)     17. What will happen when each member of the family begins to
                              apply his respective Twelve Step Program?

                       18. These family meetings will work if they are conducted without
                              19-a. Little by little, the family will do what?
                              19-b. And father will begin to do what?

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