Page 235 - Ocean City Edition Whole Book_Neat
P. 235

The Primary Purpose Group Big Book Study Guide

                                       THE FAMILY AFTERWARD
                                                        (Page 131)

                         1. What did mother do?

                         2. When would father do what he was told?

                         3. By default, mother became what?

                         4. Now that dad is sober, what will he attempt to do?

                         5. This could lead to trouble unless they do what?

               (P)       6. Drinking isolates what from what?

                         7. Father may have abandoned what other part of his life while
                         8. When he gets involved in these things again, what might happen?

                         9. What may the family feel?

                       10. Instead of getting back into normal activities, the family may do

               (P)     11. In the early days of sobriety, the mother and father should do

                       12. What will father find it necessary to do?

                       13. What kind of new acquaintances might be made?

                       14. What about the community in which they live?

                       15. What about the possibility of joining a religious body?

               (P)     16. Could this prove to be helpful?

                              17-a. Now that the alcoholic has recovered, what may he find?

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