Page 3 - Soref JCC Program Guide - Winter 2021
P. 3
Soref Jewish Community Center
Charlotte Baker Memorial
Jewish Book Month Series
Thursday, December 9, 2021
ZOOM at 12:30 PM
Having worked at a Toronto law firm teaching
technology and whose relatives narrowly
survived the Holocaust, Phyllis took her
experience on the road to fulfill a personal
journey that follows her lifelong passion for
helping those who are marginalized.
Phyllis delivers motivational and inspirational
workshops to prisoners. She also delivers
keynote speeches outside the prison system
always with a view to making a difference for
“Prisoners are a special blend of humanity.
They come from dark places and have
experienced excruciating pain. Their stories
touch my heart in a way that encourages
fearlessness. Their stories are personal. Our
relationships are personal. These people
matter to me.”
Phyllis Taylor
“Whispers & Wisdom Click Here
of the Prison Lady” to
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