Page 2 - inside story complete
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Why Ateres Yaakov?

                                 Why Mesivta Ateres Yaakov? We    and  succeed  in a challenging world.  This  is facilitated by
                                 are a mature, experienced insti-  lifelong relationships with our Rabbeim, who are strong role
                                 tution that offers all the Limudei   models for their talmidim, and professional teachers, who
                                 Kodesh, General  Studies,  and   are prepared to instill both knowledge and the strategies for
                                 extracurricular  programs  our   academic success in their students.
                                 students want and need to suc-
                                 ceed. Our mission is to provide   Above all, and most important, is the constant emphasis
                                 each  student  - both the  high   on Midos Tovos, Derech Eretz and Menchlichkeit. There are
                                 achiever and the one who is      daily opportunities for this to be manifest, whether in the
                                 just  coming into  his own –     shiur, the classroom, the lunchroom, the basketball court,
                                 with the  personal  attention he     or the halls. This results in a spirit of camaraderie and close-

                                 requires.  We  are  proud  of  our     ness that permeates the entire institution. These are some
       exceptional facilities especially our expanding campus, but   of the ways in which we aim to ensure that our precious
       are even more proud of the education our students receive   talmidim will be dedicated to Torah, mitzvos, Eretz Yisroel,
       and their subsequent success in life.                      and Klal Yisroel in all their future endeavors. Whether learn-
                                                                  ing in the finest yeshivas in Israel and America, excelling in
       The educational philosophy of  Mesivta  Ateres  Yaakov is   their college education for which they have been compre-
       based  on  the concept  that  the  purpose  of  yeshiva  is  to   hensively prepared, or ultimately  embarking  on  stellar  ca-
       prepare a talmid for all aspects of his future life. Therefore,   reers  and  establishing Jewish families which reflect the es-
       every school experience becomes a means to achieve this    sence of Torah values, our graduates look to their beloved
       goal.   Each  student  possesses  unique  talents,  abilities,   yeshiva to provide them the guidance and direction to fulfill
       strengths,  and weaknesses, and our  task is  to identify,   their destinies in Klal Yisroel.
       develop,  and  channel  those  qualities  so  he  is presented    ,ה ר ו ת ה   ת כ ר ב ב ו   ה ח ל צ ה ב
       with constant opportunities to grow in his Avodas Hashem.
       Through inculcating a profound  love and abiding  respect

       for  Limud haTorah and  providing  a superior  General
       Studies  education, we prepare  our  talmidim to confront   Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe, Ph.D.
                                                                  Rosh HaYeshiva

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