Page 5 - inside story complete
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Gemara B’iyun low talmidim to express themselves and ask questions,
Thought provoking shiurim are designed to challenge our as well as to learn the opinion of Daas Torah on many
talmidim as they develop a fluency in Gemara, Rashi, To- important issues. The talmidim develop a personal kes-
safos, and Mefarshim. The Rabbeim concentrate on the her with our Mashgiach Ruchani, Rabbi Yehuda Horow-
breakdown of the sugyas HaGemara as they clarify and itz, a Talmid Muvhak of Rav Moshe Wolfson, the famed
resolve conflicts between the different Rishonim and mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. Rabbi Yaffe, Rabbi
Achronim understanding the svaras and lomdus presented. Horowitz and Rabbi Bennett conduct regular Middos and
Hashkafa workshops for the entire Mesivta. Weekly Shm-
Gemara Bekiyus uessen on the Parshas HaShavua focused on character
This innovative program highlights the technical skills development are delivered to each shiur by a rotation of
needed for independent study of Gemara and Rashi with the Mesivta Rabbeim. Guest speakers visit the Mesivta
an emphasis on language, syntax structure, and an ap- on a regular basis, among them Gedolei Yisroel, Roshei
preciation of what Rashi adds to the havanas HaGemara. Yeshiva, Rabbanim and other Torah personalities.
As talmidim advance in their abilities, they are placed in
more quickly-paced shiurim. Learning is incentivized; Yedios Klalios
talmidim who complete an entire Mesechta are rewarded Every talmid is required to master a standardized knowl-
with special recognition. Additionally, senior shiurim par- edge curriculum which covers many areas of Torah and
ticipate in the renowned V’haarev Na Bekiyus Program. halachic knowledge. Standardized yeshiva-wide tests are
administered quarterly.
The Chumash b’iyun shiurim delineate between drush Other Learning Opportunities
and pshat as found in the classical mefarshim. The Rab- Weekly Mishmars
beim use the Parasha to bring out lessons on Hashkofas 11 Grade Advanced Bekiyus
HaTorah that relate to us as individuals and as members 12 Grade Afternoon Seder
of Klal Yisroel. The talmidim are tested weekly on Para- Grade Elective Night Sedarim
shas HaShavua with Rashi, and by their senior year are Cocoa Club Halacha Vaad
expected to master each parasha with all Rashi. Rab- Pre-Shacharis Gemara Shiur
beim urge the talmidim to focus on why Rashi is so es- Post-Shacharis Mishnayos Chabura
sential to Torah study and challenge them to understand Extended Late-Night Mishmars
“what is bothering Rashi.” 718 Insurance Shnayim Mikrah Program
Talmudo b’Yado Program (Shakla v’Tarya Mastery)
Navi Bein Hazmanim Learning Programs
Our Navi program exposes our talmidim to the various sifrei Siyum haMasechta Incentive Program
Tanach giving them an overview of our rich Jewish history.
This critical foundation of Torah She’Beksav helps talmi-
dim understand p’sukim and topics that relate to their Ge-
mara learning, their tefillos, and areas of hashkafa. They
come to appreciate how critical events have impacted the
development of Am Yisroel and develop a deepened love
for Eretz Yisroel.
Mussar and Hashkafa
Each Rebbe stresses proper Torah attitudes and char-
acter development using the classic mussar texts. Each
grade focuses on one mussar sefer, exposing talmidim
to the various classical mussar works over the course of
4 years of Mesivta. Shmuessen and Mussar Vaadim al-