Page 23 - Happy Collo Book
P. 23


                                                                                                                                                   EXAMPLE SENTENCES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ESP context

                                                                   make an appointment: นดหมาย

                                                                  I'll tell my receptionist to make

                                                                  an appointment with you.

                                                                         gain experience: ไดรบประสบการณ                                                                                                                                                                                             ์

                                                    Sirintra decided to work in the industry to

                                                    gain practical experience.

                                                                      meet deadline: ทําบางสงใหสําเรจภายในเวลาทกําหนด

                                                           The whole team has been working long

                                                           hours to meet the deadline.

                                                                               create an opportunity: สรางโอกาส

                                                         They create an opportunity for consumers to

                                                         avoid needless markups and enjoy premium


                                                                      close a deal: ปดการขาย

                                                                  I closed a deal on a new account last week.
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