Page 75 - NAR 2020 Opportunity Race Program Resource Book
P. 75

1. Family Tax Deduction: [JOHN] supports removing the marriage penalty resulting from new limits on state and local tax (SALT) deductions by doubling the $10,000 cap for married couples filing jointly.
2. Maintaining Homeownership Benefits: [JOHN] supports indexing the state and local tax (SALT) deduction and the mortgage interest deduction to inflation, maintaining homeownership benefits in the years ahead.
3. Protecting Homeownership: [JOHN] recognizes that homeownership is still a cornerstone of the American Dream and a driver of economic growth. That is why [he/she/preferred pronoun here] fought to preserve the home mortgage interest tax deduction that middle-class homeowners depend on.
4. Protecting Families From Tax on Forgiven Mortgage Debt: [JOHN] believes no homeowner going through a short sale should be forced to pay tax on the phantom income of forgiven debt — money they never receive.
5. Helping First-Time Home Buyers: [JOHN] has been a leader in Congress in making homeownership affordable for first-time buyers, helping more Americans realize the dream of owning their own home. [JOHN] is also leading the effort to help [LOCATION]’s first-time home buyers use tax-free savings for a down payment on a home.
6. Ensuring the Availability of Affordable Flood Insurance: [JOHN] understands that flood victims recover more quickly with flood insurance, and [he/she] supports legislation to reauthorize and reform the National Flood Insurance Program
7. Protecting the National Flood Insurance Program: [JOHN] understands that appropriate reforms must be made in order to ensure the future of the nation’s flood insurance program. That’s why [he/she] supports reforms that would strengthen the NFIP and provide for a long-term reauthorization of the program (HR 3167).
8. Encouraging Private Market Competition: [JOHN] supported legislation to reduce barriers and encourage private insurance options for homeowners seeking affordable flood insurance alternatives.
9. Protecting Homeownership Investments: [JOHN] believes it is important for homeowners to have the tools they need to safeguard their investments, and [he/she] supports legislation to establish a fair and financially secure National Flood Insurance Program.
10. Promoting Affordable Association Health Insurance Options: [JOHN] understands that self-employed individuals face rising health care costs, and [he/she] supports the rule allowing them to purchase health insurance through professional or trade associations.

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