Page 77 - NAR 2020 Opportunity Race Program Resource Book
P. 77

22. Promoting Consumer Choice in Settlement Service Providers: [JOHN] spoke out against proposed Dodd-Frank regulations that would create a competitive disadvantage for businesses affiliated with real estate brokerages, such as mortgage or title companies
23. Responsible Trade Agreements: [JOHN] supports effective trade agreements that propel economies and help sustain mutually beneficial international relationships, offering opportunities for investment in the real estate industry.
24. Equal and Fair Housing Opportunity: [JOHN] believes all Americans – no matter their race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin – should be protected from housing discrimination.
25. Protecting Rural Housing Loans: [JOHN] knows that the USDA’s Rural Housing Service (RHS) programs have been valuable tools to help [LOCATION] families obtain affordable mortgage financing. Maintaining these programs and ensuring rural communities’ access to them are priorities for [JOHN].
26. Sensible FHA Condominium Rules: [JOHN] understands that condominium ownership is a popular and affordable choice for prospective home buyers, particularly those seeking homeownership for the first time. That’s why he supported sensible FHA rules that ensure qualified buyers have access to safe, affordable financing when purchasing condominiums.
27. Modernizing FHA: FHA’s single-family mortgage insurance program has long been a valuable tool that helps families achieve the dream of homeownership. [JOHN] has been an advocate for strengthening the FHA program without imposing undue burdens on borrowers or taxpayers.
28. Preserving FHA Loan Limits: [JOHN] led a bipartisan effort to maintain reasonable FHA mortgage loan limits to enable working families to obtain mortgages in all communities in all economic times.
29. Protecting the 30-Year Mortgage: [JOHN] stands with REALTORS® to support responsible reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure that the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage will be available to qualified home buyers in all market conditions.
30. Providing Regulatory Relief: [JOHN] supported the effort to remove burdensome federal regulations that were hurting small and medium-sized banks’ ability to make mortgage loans and loans to small business. [His/Her] leadership will help get our housing market back on track, once again helping grow small businesses and boost our economy.
31. Equitable Treatment of Manufactured Housing Financing: [JOHN] supported legislation to remove Dodd-Frank restrictions on conventional financing for manufactured housing, allowing qualified buyers to obtain safe, affordable financing for the home that best fits their needs.
32. Preventing Excessive Guarantee Fee Increases: [JOHN] voted to block legislation that would have added an extra fee to each new conventional mortgage to pay for highway construction. This fee would have added thousands of dollars to the cost of a typical 30-year mortgage.

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