Page 14 - Student Welfare Measures ---- Example E-Book
P. 14
Managing generation and/or allocation of funds for scholarship
and financial aid to deserving but financially challenged
Developing mechanisms for the universities to institutionalize
more compassionate policies and guidelines for those students
who are financially challenged and/or belonging to the
marginalized sector of society.
Ensuring the accessibility ofall the scholarships and financial
aid through a single point of constant availability and wide
,- dissemination of information of qualifications, eligibility
requirements and procedures.
Developing and maintaining partnerships with generous donors,
benefactors and scholarship foundations outside the institution.
Design, implementation and evaluation of appropriate
guidelines, screening and monitoring procedures understood
by applicants, recipients and other stakeholders.
Establishing linkages with government agencies and the
private sector, local or abroad which provide student financial
aid and scholarship grants.
Redesigning and improving policies, rules, regulations, and
strategies in the solicitation of financial aid and scholarship
Monitoring and evaluating the status, grades, courses, and
completion of students enjoying financial aid and scholarships.
Making arangements with railway authorities for the issue
of railway concessions to students during vacations, for
educational tours, and for students, participation in
extracurricular activities and sports.
character certificates issued to the students in the institution
round the year.
Helping students to get educational loans from banks.
Establishment ofAlumni chapters at national and intemational
Establishing a process by which the institution recognizes their
Alumnus and establishing a Centre of Excellence through
them. Industry sponsored labs, chairs, fellowships, medals and
many more.